Friday, November 29, 2019
Victims Of September 11 Essay Research Paper free essay sample
Victims Of September 11 Essay, Research Paper The Grecian attack to tragedy Helena Smith in Athens explores why the Greeks seem to hold small sympathy for post-attack America Helena Smith in Athens Guardian Unlimited Tuesday September 25, 2001 In the place of birth of democracy, the right to show is viewed as a sacred tradition. In the aftermath of the assault on America, the Greeks have been populating up to that time-honored pattern with effusions of anti-Americanism by protestors who chant that Uncle Sam had it coming. Last hebdomad, around 30,000 Athenian football fans go toing a Uefa lucifer against Scotland jeered throughout the minute # 8217 ; s silence held in honor of the panic victims. The doughty Scots looked on aghast as the fans so tried to fire the Stars and Stripes in the stables. This hebdomad, left-of-center groups and labour administrations will garner in forepart of the neo-classical fa? fruit drink of Athens University for a mass meeting # 8220 ; against war # 8221 ; , although the event is already being billed as another opportunity to kick American buttocks. We will write a custom essay sample on Victims Of September 11 Essay Research Paper or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page # 8220 ; What goes unit of ammunition, comes unit of ammunition, # 8221 ; says one pupil, Philippos Papadopoulos, wistfully. # 8220 ; A batch of people died and that # 8217 ; s a commiseration, but the Americans are acquiring a gustatory sensation of what they did in Korea, Vietnam, Cambodia and the like. # 8221 ; International polls show the Greeks to be by far the least sympathetic of all European states to post-attack America. Barely had the dust settled over the wreckage of the Twin Towers before some were stating the terrorist Acts of the Apostless were both apprehensible and justifiable. Repeating Papadopoulos, surprising Numberss say they see the slaughter as a authoritative instance of requital for all the wrongs committed over the decennaries by the Superpower. Of all the Euro-Alliance states, polls have besides shown the Greeks to be the least willing to take any action against states harboring terrorists. Among the many ailments that Hellenes citation is America # 8217 ; s failure to coerce some 35,000 Turkish military personnels to retreat from Cyprus, 27 old ages after Ankara invaded and seized the island # 8217 ; s northern 3rd in response to an Athens-inspired putsch. That failure, they snort, is a perfect illustration of # 8220 ; American double-standards # 8221 ; . The reaction is mirrored in Cyprus, where one in four Grecian Cypriots told the Politis newspaper last weekend that the Americans # 8220 ; deserved # 8221 ; to be targeted. 51 per centum of those polled said they thought it would be incorrect for Washington to revenge because the quest for justness would about surely turn into one of retaliation. In private, Grecian Cypriots will even travel so far as to propose that Osama Bin Laden, the Saudi-born activist and suspected originator of the onslaughts, had been driven to move â€Å"out of despair†over America’s ill-conceived policies in the Middle East. # 8220 ; What you hear, all this logic of # 8216 ; allow # 8217 ; s pardon them # 8217 ; is perfectly black, # 8221 ; said one Greek Cypriot civil retainer, who went out of her manner to lend to the New York Firemen Victims # 8217 ; Fund to # 8220 ; allow them cognize that non all of us think like that # 8221 ; . By contrast, the authoritiess in Athens and Nicosia have besides given support to Washington with public pledges to assist stomp out the # 8220 ; the terrorist flagellum # 8221 ; even though, in the the instance of Greece, Prime Minister Costas Simitis has said Greek military personnels will avoid take parting in any Nato-led action. Alternatively, Athens has offered to supply military installations and air space, while Cyprus has hinted it # 8220 ; won # 8217 ; t interfere # 8221 ; with the Alliance devising usage of the two British Sovereign bases on the Near Eastern island. It was a reconciliation act that both leadings were forced to follow during the Nato barrage of Serbia in 1999. Then, Greeks and Greek Cypriots had opposed the action against their Orthodox co-religionists by an overpowering 92 and 97 % severally. In seeking to understand the unusual # 8211 ; some would state heartless # 8211 ; attitude of the Greeks and Greek Cypriots, analysts point to their delicate place as citizens of two Christian buffer provinces at the hamlets of the East and West. But as the place of the November 17 group # 8211 ; described by the US State Department as the most unsafe terrorist group presently runing in the West # 8211 ; Greece is besides regarded as Europe # 8217 ; s weak nexus in the battle against terrorist act. In the 26 old ages since it emerged non one member of the elusive, extreme-left administration has of all time been captured. Nor have at that place been any believable leads, although 22 people have been assassinated # 8211 ; most late Brig. Stephen Saunders, the British defense mechanism attach? # 8211 ; and 100s wounded in that clip. During the Gulf War, Greece stood out as a oasis of terrorist activities with countless onslaughts against Western marks. The embarrassing shows of anti-Americanism from a fellow Nato member have every bit much to make with the sensed fright of Washington now exercising # 8220 ; intolerable # 8221 ; force per unit area to root out November 17, analysts say. With many now oppugning Athens # 8217 ; ability to keep a peaceable Olympic games in 2004, Greek security steps are expected to come under close examination in the coming old ages. Foregrounding the concern, Jaques Rogges, the recently-elected president of the International Olympic Committee ( IOC ) arrived in the Greek capital last dark to discourse ways of how best to bolster security during the universe # 8217 ; s most precious sporting event.
Monday, November 25, 2019
Free Essays on Wasteland
The paper argues that the poem creates a sense of timelessness, not by ignoring chronology, but by telescoping it all together, thus underscoring humanity's ongoing part in the grand cycle of death and rebirth T.S. Eliot's Four Quartets symbolizes a great many things to do with what exists in the here and now, as well as what lives within the concepts of religious mysticism. Indeed, it reflects some of the most compelling of all written representations in literary history. The writer discusses the meaning and how the Four Quartets relate to one another succeeds in re-visioning an internal spirituality in terms of a personal quest, while Eliot does not succeed in this effort because of his reliance on dogma and externalities analyzing the symbolism of water in Eliot's landmark poem. It concludes that water, in the world of the Waste Land, stands for sustenance, healing, and faith, and for the orderly and proper progress of the universe; it is only through the restoration of balance that the Waste Land can be healed. essay examines the poem The Waste Land by T. S. Eliot. This poet believes that modern society lacks a vital sense of community and a spiritual center. In addition, Eliot asserts that human beings are isolated, and sexual relations have become sterile and meaningless.... Free Essays on Wasteland Free Essays on Wasteland The paper argues that the poem creates a sense of timelessness, not by ignoring chronology, but by telescoping it all together, thus underscoring humanity's ongoing part in the grand cycle of death and rebirth T.S. Eliot's Four Quartets symbolizes a great many things to do with what exists in the here and now, as well as what lives within the concepts of religious mysticism. Indeed, it reflects some of the most compelling of all written representations in literary history. The writer discusses the meaning and how the Four Quartets relate to one another succeeds in re-visioning an internal spirituality in terms of a personal quest, while Eliot does not succeed in this effort because of his reliance on dogma and externalities analyzing the symbolism of water in Eliot's landmark poem. It concludes that water, in the world of the Waste Land, stands for sustenance, healing, and faith, and for the orderly and proper progress of the universe; it is only through the restoration of balance that the Waste Land can be healed. essay examines the poem The Waste Land by T. S. Eliot. This poet believes that modern society lacks a vital sense of community and a spiritual center. In addition, Eliot asserts that human beings are isolated, and sexual relations have become sterile and meaningless....
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Conflict managment among nursing professionals Essay
Conflict managment among nursing professionals - Essay Example Therefore, this paper is meant to research on how efficient communication among nursing professionals is very crucial in conflict management, workplace satisfaction, patient satisfaction and safety. Proper communication mechanisms are essential for conflict management among nursing professionals. Good communication skills aid in streamlining the relationship among the nursing professionals which provide a level working environment. In fact, efficient communication skills allow the nursing professionals interact freely and without commotions and therefore are able to execute their duties more efficiently and in harmony. It is through efficient communication that the nursing professionals can get to share ideas and gain more skills. The nursing professionals must strive to develop smooth communication strategies to aid in managing conflicts. Effective communication strategies enhance solution of issues on time before they get out of hand. For instance, timely management of hostility between two nurses will promote workplace satisfaction since the disagreement will last for a short time. According to Arnold & Boggs (2011), a hostile situation between nursing professionals may emanate from mockery of one’s opinion by others. In essence, the conflict management department should ensure that any communication made to ridicule someone’s opinion is prohibited to prevent a conflict from arising. In fact, the management needs to provide a level ground for dialogue between the conflicting parties. Dialogue is among the most preferable mechanisms for conflict management. Successful dialogue between quarreling nursing professionals can inculcate respect between them which might aid team building and efficient performance. Efficient communication eliminates confusion by patients and this promotes their satisfaction. Conflicts among nursing professionals result
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Negoatiation contract Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Negoatiation contract - Essay Example ns in Japan, states that culture of a given community affects and control all aspects of life by influencing values, behavior and attitudes of a society. However, the nature of organizational cultures is highly inclined by the cultural alignments of the people developing it (Mesa 2014). According to Hofstede, culture is ideals, values and assumption of someone personality to individuality. Culture is always seen as a source of conflict than interaction in Hofstede. In most cases, conflict arises when people from different cultures and origin interact with each other. Such conflicts resulting from culture division may primarily cause an extent of the success or failure of the international business amongst them (Mesa 2014). Culture in most cases acts as the fundamental in management of the modern global workforce dynamics. Hofstede have divided culture in two main groups including the organizational and national cultures. These two cultures had a powerful influence in the organization and the entire different aspects of international labor force management. Hofstede has various cultural dimensions that require one to get well conversant with their cultures (Fang 2003, P. 350). These cultures need to be understood by every individual in workplaces around the world. In order to build a strong connection with others is just through motivating, structuring reasonable projects and developing strategies with a focus. Any country in need of negotiating a contract according to Hofstede requires understanding about the nature of culture (Venaik et al. 2013, P.363).Five dimensions of culture in negating contract in Japan by Hofstede include power and distance (PD) that always explains the extent at which inequality exists (Fang 2003, P. 350). The inequality can be accepted among the people with and to the lacking power people. High power distance marks shows if the society allows uneven circulation of authority. High PD is characterized by centralized companies, stable
Monday, November 18, 2019
Finance Dissertation Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 12000 words
Finance - Dissertation Example These sorts of scandals caused several studies in which scholars and financial analyst tried to identify the content of information that the directors usually possess through which the directors were able to generate higher profits in the stock market. This paper clarifies whether directors outperform their business markets whenever they trade, when they buy, or when they sell. The research paper also establishes the characteristics in transaction level, the firm level, or the director-level, which determine the directors’ trade profitability. Based on the same, hardly any existing studies provide adequate empirical evidence of percentage gain by directors generated by directors in their process of purchasing or selling company shares. The paper also provides that directors are better selling off shares, through insider trading, rather than purchasing them at comparatively lower prices. For testing, data was extracted from the New York Stock and NASDAQ of fifty randomly select ed companies. The insider trading information of these companies for the financial period January 1, 2009 until June 30, 2012 was analyzed. The testing has proved the hypothesis that directors are able to generate abnormal profit through the insider trading sale transactions. 1.0 Introduction In the world of economics and finance, when it comes to financial malpractices, insider trading tops the list. Insider trading is one of the most notorious financial crimes being practiced by managers, directors and other employees all around the globe. An individual who has direct and reliable access to the non-public information about the security can define insider trading as the buying and selling of a security. Insider trading is not always considered as a malpractice or illegal and is subjective to the underlying intention to the transaction. The statement can be further elaborated by considering the fact that if the trader is reaping profits on the basis of such information which is not being public yet, then the insider trading transaction is illegal. In addition, insider trading does not always mean that buying and selling of security is taking place. Providing confidential information to a third party, in exchange of monetary or any other form of consideration, is also illegal. The practice of insider trading is not confined to Directors of any corporation but the practice also prevails among brokers and even the family members of the directors. Although, once the information is public, the inside transaction is not illegal as the parties involved does not derive any unfair advantage over the general public. Media has made the masses at general knowledgeable with the passage of time and they have also equipped themselves with the technicalities of insider trading especially after the cases of Enron and Martha Stewart. The Securities and Exchange Commission of USA has adopted the practice of enforcing strict and practical guidelines which distinguishes legal and illegal trading of the shares by the inside people. Insider trading is not a recent or a latest money making gimmick which has been exploited by the directors and managers to earn higher return. The history of insider trading dates back to the great depression as well. The securities and exchange commission of the United State
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Conflict Of Modern Vs Traditional Culture
Conflict Of Modern Vs Traditional Culture The system of immigration is of sole importance in the US national development. The country mainly stands on immigration driven transformation throughout the history. Looking back in history, large scale immigration took place in 1970s and process continues till date. The twist of 21st century brought about many changes in the world. The immigration system of US has taken a sharp turn. Much important is the incident of 9/11 and the period following it. Immigrants, after having spent decades of their lives in alien environment being away from home and native culture, come across many problems. The problems vary according to their nature, from social to cultural and economic to political; all problems mainly arise due to lack of assimilation and primary focus on separatism. Assimilation demands merging of American immigrants into a new culture and adopting their way of life. Most first generation immigrants naturally stick to their mother countrys values and norms. For this particular reason they face identity conflict on cultural level. The conflict also arises when the immigrant originally belongs to a culturally dominant group in the mother country and finds him/herself as a minority in the host country. If their cultural identity is rejected by the host society, he/she returns towards his/her native cultural identity. Culture is an indispensable factor of conflict and its resolution. Cultures are like underground rivers that run through our lives [1] it shapes our ideas, perceptions and judgments of self and other. Asian- literature primarily addresses the concept of race. Problem Statement: The conflict among US immigrants about cultural assimilation is mostly expressed in South Asian American novels. The South Asian American novelists Mohsin Hamid and Jhumpa Lahiri portray some of cultural conflicts; for instance modern and traditional culture. Generally, American society perceives Asian immigrants culture as traditional and considers their own culture and way of life to be modern in nature. So it is to be analyzed how such conflicts are presented by both the novelists in their works The Reluctant Fundamentalist and The Namesake. Research Questions: On what basis the conflict of modern vs. traditional with respect to Pakistani immigrants is presented in the novel The Reluctant Fundamentalist? How Mohsin Hamid defines modern and traditional culture? What according to Jhumpa Lahiri is modern and traditional culture? How in The Namesake the clash of culture is presented with respect to Indian culture? Are there any similarities in the way both novelists define the cultural conflict? Objective of the study The objective of this research is to study how conflict arises between the native and host cultures of immigrants. And to provide the variables on the basis of which the novelists have defined modern and traditional culture in their novels. Significance of the study The significance of this study lies in providing an in-depth analysis of the conflict that has emerged in pre and post 9/11 era with respect to The Namesake and The Reluctant Fundamentalist. Methodology The study of conflict is based on qualitative analysis of cultural conflict in both the novels. It is based on theory of assimilation (model of Separatism). Separatism, Methodology is based on consultations from primary and secondary resources. Primary source is the text of two novels and secondary resources are research papers, print media, internet articles and critical commentaries of various critiques. Organization of the study Conflict of modern vs. traditional culture in The Reluctant Fundamentalist. Conflict of modern vs. traditional culture in The Namesake. Comparative analysis of The Reluctant Fundamentalist and The Namesake. Literature Review Culture means growing sum of knowledge, experience, beliefs, values, attitudes, meanings, hierarchies, religion, notions of time, roles, spatial relations, concepts of the universe, and material objects and possessions [2] possessed by a particular group of people. It implies that culture revolve around various parameters ranging from dress code to particular political affiliation. Humans cannot flourish well in homogeneity; diversity is a key term in cultures. Conflict automatically arises with diversity among nature and culture of people. The economy of US has been dependent on manpower from across the globe in the form of immigration. Dating back to history; starting from seventeenth century slave trade till date; immigrants have been the mainstream of US economic system. Immigration, however, played a key role not only in making Americas development possible but also in shaping the basic nature of the society. Immigration has given rise to problems of assimilation of one group into another from different backgrounds. People always come from varying cultures, nations, and carry differing identities; they cannot completely merge with each other. The differences always arise and cause issues of identity among people. [3] Since each of us possess several different identities of varying degrees of complexity, personal, social [4] ; the inner desire to preserve the identities may not receive the same level of acceptance by the host society. This situation ultimately ascends cultural conflicts like identity, name, etc. Huntington in his book The Clash of Civilizations and the Remaking of World Order presents his theory of clash of civilization as he believed that clash amongst nations is based upon culture. He writes: Edward Said in his book Orientalism is of the view that occidentals considered orientalists especially Muslims to be barbaric, insensitive and inferior to Anglo-Saxon race thus presenting the clash of civilizations. The hyphenated literature of America records such clashes. The Chinese exclusion in 1882 and the bigotry against Chinese immigrants in US are recorded in the following poem. The similar kind of discriminatory behavior is also portrayed by Meena Alexander in her poem. The extract below narrated the story of bigotry against Asian immigrants in the US where equal opportunities were not available for them Another critic Denna also comments upon the novel in the following words. Similarly Pakistani-American novelist Mohsin Hamid in his novel The Reluctant Fundamentalist also presents the situation of Pakistani immigrants in US by plotting the story in the backdrop of 9/11 attacks. Manish Chand, a critic quotes According to Irfan Khawaja, the protagonist of the novel suffers from cultural and identity conflict, as he is of the opinion: Chapter 2 History of Cultural Conflicts in US Immigration from earliest settlement to the present: Being a country comprised of immigrants, United States of America from its earliest to the present settlers have copious amount of ethnic, religious and cultural multiplicity. The earliest settlers brought about homogeneity as many comprised of white race and were religiously Protestants. But as the decades and centuries passed, Asians, Europeans and South American immigrants poured into the United States. Gradually the difference began to emerge. These differences primarily became apparent on religious, ethnic and racial level as these immigrants ranged from Catholics to Muslims and Hindus to Buddhists. United States developed as an industrial nation after the arrival of European settlers that started at the end of fifteenth century. Population rise, battles on land, industrial revolution, and religious persecution were some of the reasons to make people leave their homeland. [5] The earliest immigrants from British Isles migrated to North America and brought with them the mainstream culture which still resonates and dominates in American way of life. Nevertheless, it was Spaniards who first formed the permanent settlement which is now called as Florida in 1565. British developed the new land with the help of American Indians at first at Virginia colonies in 1607. They rated them as an inferior race having traditional and barbaric culture. They viewed them as slaves and tried to suppress them but remained unsuccessful. After realizing that they could no longer use them as slaves, they used corrosive means to move them off the area which settlers wanted for themselves. On the other hand Spaniards used different methodology with the red Indians by integrating them in to their community and exploiting their labor. [6] Along with British and Spanish settlers, black landowners from West Indies also played a part in bringing African immigrants to US. Slavery soon became the main solution of problem of manpower in developing American lands especially the South where economy depended on rice, indigo and tobacco. [7] These immigrants were a result of forced migration and were required to work on hard conditions without their choice; it was one of the largest population displacements in the world history. The culture of African immigrants in US has received pejorative connotation as whites presumed their culture to be sophisticated and a model to be followed by the World. The clash of cultures later emerged out in the twentieth century. The period between 1815 and World War I is significant in bringing about the greatest wave, an estimated 30 million, of European immigrants to the new land. The largest group was Irish, who became prey to British land laws and potato crop failure, in the mid nineteenth century. Germans constituted the second-largest group among European immigrants; most of them were middle class artisans and landless people who migrated due to Industrial upheaval in Europe During the epoch from 1890 to 1924, immigrants from Italy, central Europe and Russia started settling into the US. The late nineteenth century in the United States is marked by immigration restrictions. Some state laws did not allow illiterate and anarchists to step on their soil. The need of restrictions arose as many believed that the culture of newcomers is spoiling the whole essence of American culture and way of living. The turn of twentieth century and World War II brought about immigrants from Asia, Mexico and the South America. Cultural conflict and Legislations: The major cultural conflict in American history is mostly associated with African immigrants and their struggle to retain their own cultural identity with reference to their native land. Their struggle is marked by violence, peaceful protests, establishment of certain organizations like NAACP. The time span of this struggle starts with the establishment of James Town when Africans were brought to the New world solely for economic purpose and their status were nothing but slaves. They were not even considered as human beings but mere as property, the beings that are devoid of any emotion whether pleasure or pain. For that particular reason, they were transported in inhumane conditions through transatlantic route. Sometimes they were chained around their necks and were given food after several hours. These conditions resulted in the deaths of so many Africans on ship and their dead bodies were used to be thrown in rivers. On their arrival to the New World they were sold and they were departed from their families. Langston Hughes, a famous African-American poet narrates the similar incident in his poem The Negro Mother. After being sold, the slaves were put on mostly cotton, tobacco and potatoes plantation. Some of the slaves tried to show resistance regarding religion and culture and the remaining were put on so severe conditions that they could not think of anything else but pain. Americans considered the slaves to be devoid of any culture and religion but despite persecution, slaves managed to retain some part of their native culture. Though folktales, slaves were able to save their culture from perishing in United States. Apart from that, they crafted certain objects in accordance with the traditions of Africa As there was restricted time of leisure allotted to slaves especially on Sunday, the slaves used to rejoice themselves through dance and music. They used to play variety of musical instruments and the music for them connoted both spiritual as well as secular meanings. But not many slaveholders were lover of slaves music as many considered especially in South Carolina, the beating of drum as the call for rebellion on the part of the slaves. When in 1776, America gained independence, the author of Declaration of Independence , Thomas Jefferson chose beautiful words to signify whtat the new country stands for in these words but the Constitution of United States and the practices spoke otherwise. Under the Article 1, Section 2 of the Constitution, while discussing about the representatives in the Government, give slaves the proportion of three fifth. It is interesting that the authors of the constitution has not used the word slaves, but the word others has been used for them. After the independence of United States, the South economy stated to boom because of slave. They were expensive and the number of slaves determined the status of the land owners. Apart from few landowners no one allowed slave the right to education and if slaves used to run away to some other place, it was the law that they had to be returned back to hi/her owners. On the other hand North was moving towards industrialization. In 1860, during the presidential campaign, the Republican candidate Abraham Lincoln based his campaign on anti slavery slogan, which highly disturbed the South because they reckoned the slogan as an attack to their economic institution and warned North that if slavery would be abolished, then they would secede. In early 19th century anti slavery societies began to operate who called for the rights of slaves. The campaign became so severe in late 19th century the civil war broke out in 1861 and lasted till 1865. The Civil War resulted in the abolition of slavery. Behind the abolition of slavery there were various actors that played their part to raise awareness that blacks are also human beings and should be given appropriate rights. Abolitionist used various strategies; one amongst them was the publication of anti slavery alphabet. Through alphabets, the abolitionist presented their point of view in front of white Americans. Despite the end of slavery, it existed in the form of segregation; more specifically through Jim Crow laws. The laws made segregation legal from transportation places, to theatre etc. The Jim crow laws connoted that blacks are separte and could never assimilate or adjust themselves with the whites based upon their culture and mental capabilities. In an effort to revive their culture, African- American started to publish their literature and thus laid the foundation of jazz poetry, jazz music, etc which has now become the hall mark of American culture. The epoch of 1920s is marked by Harlem Renaissance or is often referred as Jazz age. After facing hardships of decades, it was Rosa Parks who when refused to give seat to a white American was arrested and it laid the foundation of Montgomery bus boycott which later became one of the causative agents of Civil Rights movement of 1960s. The leader of the movement, Martin Luther King Jr called for an end to racial discrimination and demanded the equal rights for the colored people. He called for non violent civil disobedience which compelled US Government to put an end to Jim Crow Laws. Martin Luther Kings sppech I have a dream is significant in this remark which calls for segregated free American society, where colored people would get equal chances of progress. The history of ethnic and racial conflict is mostly recorded in parallel to the history of immigration in the United States. Moving in to a new society, the immigrant suffers from discrimination which varies in degrees ranging from verbal abuse to physical violence. This discrimination has to be experienced by the migrant if he/she wants to be recognized as Americans. The Melting Pot theory formulated in eighteenth century is crucial to the understanding of cultural conflict in United States. The basic postulate of melting pot theory requires all immigrants to assimilate into the American dominant culture. It laid stress on homogeneity on religious as well as an ethnic level. During the late eighteenth century, it is estimated that 99 percent of US population comprised of white Protestants. [8] They easily were able to assimilate themselves in white Anglo-Saxon Protestant (WASP) as there was uniformity among them in terms of ethnicity, religion, and race. [9] But for the migrant the whole story was upside down. They found it difficult to melt in to the dominant culture especially African immigrants with lower socio-economic status and color. They were assumed as mentally and physically inferior and their culture also became the victim of ethnocentrism. Similarly by the end of nineteenth century, it became questionable whether European immigrant of lower economic status could be assimilated. Among immigrants, who were physically weak and were of lower economic status struggled hard to make their place in fast moving American society. The American Congress, dreading foreign-born political reformists, passed the short lived Alien Act in 1798 to exorcise alleged spies. Although unwanted entering was controlled by local and state control on immigration; the first major federal immigration legislation excluded prostitutes and convicts in 1875. [10] An alike display of persecution was observed against Asians on the West Bank. The gold rush of 1848 brought most Chinese immigrants to the country. Chinese came as individuals, not in families, since they intended to return back after earning significant amount of money. They primarily were employed to work on railroads as well on farms. The discrimination against Chinese included accusations of vice and idolatry. They were considered inferior and a potential threat to Americans on economic level. For this particular reason, the bigotry against Asian also included use of violence. Native born Americans made use of legislation to remove this threat as Congress passed Chinese Exclusion Act in remain enacted till 1943. During early 20th century Japanese immigrants entered US initially; soon they allegedly took away most jobs by providing cheap labor. The number of Japanese entering US was limited by the gentlemens agreement signed between US and Japanese governments in 1907; ultimately all Asians were prohibited from entering US by the year 1924. Racial profiling was not limited to work places but students at college campuses and religious places also suffered from bigotry. The conflicts based on culture and race which demands their life-styles be accepted and given space in the society are prevalent till date. The increasing number of undocumented and illegal immigrants residing in US paved way to another wave of Nativism during 1980s and 1990s. Most illegal immigrants came from Mexico, Asia, Latin America and Caribbean. It was assumed by Americans that these people were taking away job opportunities and hence became a burden on economy of US. Local political and social movements generated national demand to restrict immigration in late nineteenth century. The Ku Klux Klans actions were strict against foreigners as well as against African Americans. Eastern and Southern Europeans were easily recognizable due to their appearance and traditions, which made them easy targets of bigotry. Congress allocated quotas for immigrants comprising of complex sets of rules about national origin, most of which helped northern Europeans in the Immigration Act of 1924. President Harry S. Truman deviated from this policy when he granted asylum to European refugees who fled World War II. Quota system was revised to control immigration in McCarran-Walter Act (the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1952), it also sustained marginalization of immigration from Asia. The Immigration Act of 1965 finally ended national origin to serve as basis for system of quotas. After the incident of bomb shelling at Pearl Harbor in 1941, Japanese were hauled away by the FBI; restrictions and bans were placed on people of Japanese descent to be expatriated from US devoid of the fact that they had acquired US citizenship. They were caught and sent to internment camps. It gave an air of Japanese being captives of US forces. All the metaphors of freedom and liberty that were pure American phrases did not apply to Japanese immigrants in US. Immigrants to the United States, have adapted to the new culture despite of their many cultural diversities; they have been displaced from the familiar lifestyles and having to settle in the alien life and the new circumstances. After assimilation, the new comers assume themselves as Americans; the situation becomes ironical when these assimilated groups start to doubt more recent immigrant groups as a threat to American way of life. By the turn of twenty first century, September 11, 2001 attacks on World Trade Centre and Pentagon terribly affected the lives of Asian immigrants in the United States most specifically, Muslims. Many of the immigrants became the target of bigotry, harassment, and hostility. In the year 2004, the council on American-Islamic relations processed a grand total of 1,522 incidents where immigrants complained of ethnic and religious profiling. Hence 9/11 has served as a catalyst for producing a cultural conflict among Asian immigrants. The religious differences are also contributing to this problem. The 9/11 incident, has brought this conflict to height and has proved American society a failure for multiculturalism. Chapter 3 Cultural Clash in The Namesake The Namesake is a remarkable autobiographical tale of the novelist. Jhumpa Lahiri, being brought up in Bengali-American family, shares immigrant experiences and all the underlying conflicts; she states about writing the perfect inscription in an interview: Jhumpa Lahiri was born in London, and bred and matured in Rhode Island (US); thus attaining an immediate familiarity with living two lives in one. This distributed life made her much sensitive to the intense pressure to be two things, loyal to the old world and fluent in the new. [11] She has been successful in concisely portraying her diaspora experiences in a collection of short stories; Interpreter of Maladies (which won her the Pulitzer prize for fiction in 2000). Similarly, once more catching the attention of literary world, through her first novel The Namesake; she Houghton Mifflin Company published an interview of Jhumpa Lahiri , she expresses about The Namesake: the novel is definitely about those who are culturally displaced or those who grow up in two worlds simultaneously. Jhumpa Lahiris The Namesake conveys clash of cultural assimilation; where first generation of immigrants natively belong to Bengal, India and are seen as traditional people loving their motherland and her culture. They dont assume America as their own place; but their son Gogol is born and bred in United States and he carries an opposite approach as that of his parents. Gogol is uncomfortable with his own name which carries in itself a whole history of his fathers association with an author; he himself understands his name neither his friends outside the home and this becomes a source of tension for him. He also feels distress over his parents Bengali rituals and rites that they occasionally practice. Such things become a source of inner battle for Gogol. Immigration is a common practice in the present globalized age. People from across the world change places and face different languages, cultures, and everything that is new to their lives. One common situation that they all face is natives unwillingness to accept them; this also applies within the country or within small states. Gogol, the protagonist, is unable to understand the account behind his name, when his father tries to explain. At one stage in his endeavors with his self, he isolates himself from the rest of his family to get rid of traditional culture; but he returns to his home after death of his father and adopts the rites that he used to practice. As a result of all this conflict, with his identity, he loses his girlfriend. Gradually, Gogol turns back to his parents culture and family, he finds himself attracted to a Bengalese girl that his mother introduced him to. He gets married to her; where it seems the story has finished happily, but that is not the case. Moushumi, who is a shy Bengalese young lady, after getting away from strict and traditional environment of her parents house seems to enjoy the freedom of married life and loses interest in him and builds an affair. The Namesake gives an insight into the lives of immigrants to United States, the cultural and identity crisis they find while assimilating into the new society. [12] The Gangulis, although live in United States but they socialize and live away from American culture as far as parents are concerned. Ashima wears traditional clothes and speak their native language. But once the children are in school, she observes American occasions like Christmas, but that too is celebrated in her Bengalese circle of friends and serves her home-based foods. Gogol, seems in trouble all the time because of his inner conflict. He always detests Indian culture and wants to keep an American identity; as a result he doesnt even refrain from leaving his parents home and abandon his relationship with family. Issue of cuisine The trouble regarding the cuisine also surfaces when Ashima realizes the difference of Chicken being butchered in the two countries i.e., India and America. Apparel Gogol while assimilating into the land of his dreams, America, he wears American styled clothes. On the other hand when he visits India, he wears Indian clothes. This means that he has not abandoned both the identities. Yet at the same time he is confused regarding the choice of his apparel. Difference of Perceptions regarding various countries: The plot contains the best travelling experiences of characters regarding India, America, Paris and Venice. Each person assumes the places differently, from escape to home and freedom to failure To the children of first generation immigrants, on the other hand, their parents native place seems old fashioned and outdated. Their lives become collaged between Indian and American rites as they face troubles with their selves in becoming Indian or Indian-American. As a result this conflict ends when in Europe where they can easily cut their connections. The people live, share and celebrate even the minor events collectively in India, but the situation is different in United States. As the character of Mrs. Jones reveals that she lives alone and sees her children and grandchildren rarely; this is a life that Ashokes mother would find humiliating. [13] In America, the Ganguli children are raised up as Americans, and want to celebrate events as their fellows. For instance, Gogol celebrates his fourteenth birthday in two different ways, one traditional Bengali and other American. The wedding of Moushumi and Gogol is also an example of clash between traditional and modern values. Their parents plan the whole event in their way and perform various customs that none of them understands. Gogols friends on the other hand design and plan the whole event of marriage personally. The difference between traditional and modern values is also evident in Gogols divorce from Moushumi. Since Ashima thinks, Fortunately they have not considered it their duty to stay married, as the Bengalis of Ashoke and Ashimas generation do. [14] In her view, the pressure to settle for less than their ideal of happiness has given way to American common sense. [15] Surprisingly, Ashima is pleased with this outcome, as opposed to an unhappy but dutiful marriage for her son. [16] In The Namesake, characters make constant contrasts between India and America, between tradition and modern way of looking at things, and so on. First generation immigrants like Ashoke and Ashima consider American ways as alien and foreign but to accommodate to pleasure of their American born children, adapt to certain occasions like Christmas. Second generation immigrants like Gogol and Moushumi, who are now Indian-American, feel alien in both the countries. They seem misplaced in their parents homeland as well as the land where they are born and bred. Gogol faces another cultural shock when he becomes aware of immolation tradition in the treatment of dead bodies. It becomes haunting for him to think that unlike his American tradition of burying the bodies in grave, his body will be burnt after death. Estrangement and alienation: The theme of alienation, of being isolated in a distant land, is dominant in the whole novel. During her period of first pregnancy, Ashima was anxious to raise the child in a foreign land, a country where she is related to no one, where she knows so little, where life seems so tentative and spare. [17] This alienation is mainly due to her inner conflict of fast and modern life of US and her traditional simple life back at home. At childs birth, she feels alone and helpless and considers his birth, It is unlike the customary gathering of whole bunch of people around the lady and c
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
Birth Control :: Contraceptives, Birth Control Essays
Birth Control Birth control has been a topic affecting women’s and men’s health, religion, sexuality and peace of mind for many years. Let me start with the history of birth control. A variety of birth control methods have been used throughout history and across cultures. In ancient Egypt women used dried crocodile dung and honey as vaginal suppositories to prevent pregnancy. One of the earliest mentions of contraceptive vaginal suppositories appears in the Ebers Medical Papyrus, a medical guide written between 1550 and 1500 BC. The guide suggests that a fiber tampon moistened with an herbal mixture of acacia, dates, colocynth, and honey would prevent pregnancy. The fermentation of this mixture can result in the production of lactic acid, which today is recognized as a spermicidal (New Internationalist). Before the introduction of the modern birth control pill, women ate or drank various substances to prevent pregnancy or induce miscarriage. However, such folk remedies can be dangero us or even fatal. In the last 4,000 years, we've come a long way toward safe and effective methods for contraception. Women don't have to drink poisonous teas as they did in the middle ages. They don't have to risk their health with painful douches as they did in Victorian Age. Men don't have to paint their penises with pitch as they did in Egypt, heat their testicles as they did in Rome, or cut openings in the base of their penises to spill semen outside of the vagina during ejaculation as they still do in Australia (Riddle). Women and men don't have to abstain from sex for fear of having more children than they can afford or of endangering a woman's health with a high-risk pregnancy. A lot less has changed in the last fifty years. In the 1950s, only one out of eight couples in the world used a safe and effective method of family planning. Today more two out of eight couples rely on modern methods of birth control to maintain the health and well-being of their families (Speroff). Margaret Sanger, an American nurse, pioneered the modern birth control movement in the United States. In 1912 she began publishing information about women’s reproductive concerns through magazine articles, pamphlets, and several books. In 1914 Sanger was charged with violation of the Comstock Law, federal legislation passed in 1873 prohibiting the mailing of obscene material including information about birth control and contraceptive devices.
Monday, November 11, 2019
The Role of Fdi in India
FDI Policy in India FDI as defined in Dictionary of Economics (Graham Bannock et. al) is investment in a foreign country through the acquisition of a local company or the establishment there of an operation on a new (Greenfield) site. To put in simple words, FDI refers to capital inflows from abroad that is invested in or to enhance the production capacity of the economy. [3] Foreign Investment in India is governed by the FDI policy announced by the Government of India and the provision of the Foreign Exchange Management Act (FEMA) 1999.The Reserve Bank of India (‘RBI’) in this regard had issued a notification,[4] which contains the Foreign Exchange Management (Transfer or issue of security by a person resident outside India) Regulations, 2000. This notification has been amended from time to time. The Ministry of Commerce and Industry, Government of India is the nodal agency for motoring and reviewing the FDI policy on continued basis and changes in sectoral policy/ sect oral equity cap. The FDI policy is notified through Press Notes by the Secretariat for Industrial Assistance (SIA), Department of Industrial Policy and Promotion (DIPP).The foreign investors are free to invest in India, except few sectors/activities, where prior approval from the RBI or Foreign Investment Promotion Board (‘FIPB’) would be required. FDI Policy with Regard to Retailing in India It will be prudent to look into Press Note 4 of 2006 issued by DIPP and consolidated FDI Policy issued in October 2010[5] which provide the sector specific guidelines for FDI with regard to the conduct of trading activities. a) FDI up to 100% for cash and carry wholesale trading and export trading allowed under the automatic route. ) FDI up to 51 % with prior Government approval (i. e. FIPB) for retail trade of ‘Single Brand’ products, subject to Press Note 3 (2006 Series)[6]. c) FDI is not permitted in Multi Brand Retailing in India. Entry Options For Foreign Players prior to FDI Policy Although prior to Jan 24, 2006, FDI was not authorised in retailing, most general players had been operating in the country. Some of entrance routes used by them have been discussed in sum as below:- 1. Franchise AgreementsIt is an easiest track to come in the Indian market. In franchising and commission agents’ services, FDI (unless otherwise prohibited) is allowed with the approval of the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) under the Foreign Exchange Management Act. This is a most usual mode for entrance of quick food bondage opposite a world. Apart from quick food bondage identical to Pizza Hut, players such as Lacoste, Mango, Nike as good as Marks as good as Spencer, have entered Indian marketplace by this route. 2. Cash And Carry Wholesale Trading 00% FDI is allowed in wholesale trading which involves building of a large distribution infrastructure to assist local manufacturers. [7] The wholesaler deals only with smaller retailers and not Consumers. Metro AG of Germany was the first significant global player to enter India through this route. 3. Strategic Licensing Agreements Some foreign brands give exclusive licences and distribution rights to Indian companies. Through these rights, Indian companies can either sell it through their own stores, or enter into shop-in-shop arrangements or distribute the brands to franchisees.Mango, the Spanish apparel brand has entered India through this route with an agreement with Piramyd, Mumbai, SPAR entered into a similar agreement with Radhakrishna Foodlands Pvt. Ltd 4. Manufacturing and Wholly Owned Subsidiaries. The foreign brands such as Nike, Reebok, Adidas, etc. that have wholly-owned subsidiaries in manufacturing are treated as Indian companies and are, therefore, allowed to do retail. These companies have been authorised to sell products to Indian consumers by franchising, internal distributors, existent Indian retailers, own outlets, etc.For instance, Nike entered through an exclusive licen sing agreement with Sierra Enterprises but now has a wholly owned subsidiary, Nike India Private Limited. FDI in Single Brand Retail The Government has not categorically defined the meaning of â€Å"Single Brand†anywhere neither in any of its circulars nor any notifications. In single-brand retail, FDI up to 51 per cent is allowed, subject to Foreign Investment Promotion Board (FIPB) approval and subject to the conditions mentioned in Press Note 3[8] that (a) only single brand products would be sold (i. . , retail of goods of multi-brand even if produced by the same manufacturer would not be allowed), (b) products should be sold under the same brand internationally, (c) single-brand product retail would only cover products which are branded during manufacturing and (d) any addition to product categories to be sold under â€Å"single-brand†would require fresh approval from the government. While the phrase ‘single brand’ has not been defined, it implies th at foreign companies would be allowed to sell goods sold internationally under a ‘single brand’, viz. Reebok, Nokia, Adidas. Retailing of goods of multiple brands, even if such products were produced by the same manufacturer, would not be allowed. Going a step further, we examine the concept of ‘single brand’ and the associated conditions: FDI in ‘Single brand’ retail implies that a retail store with foreign investment can only sell one brand. For example, if Adidas were to obtain permission to retail its flagship brand in India, those retail outlets could only sell products under the Adidas brand and not the Reebok brand, for which separate permission is required.If granted permission, Adidas could sell products under the Reebok brand in separate outlets. what is a ‘brand’? Brands could be classified as products and multiple products, or could be manufacturer brands and own-label brands. Assume that a company owns two leading inte rnational brands in the footwear industry – say ‘A’ and ‘R’. If the corporate were to obtain permission to retail its brand in India with a local partner, it would need to specify which of the brands it would sell.A reading of the government release indicates that A and R would need separate approvals, separate legal entities, and may be even separate stores in which to operate in India. However, it should be noted that the retailers would be able to sell multiple products under the same brand, e. g. , a product range under brand ‘A’ Further, it appears that the same joint venture partners could operate various brands, but under separate legal entities Now, taking an example of a large departmental grocery chain, prima facie it appears that it would not be able to enter India.These chains would, typically, source products and, thereafter, brand it under their private labels. Since the regulations require the products to be branded at the manufacturing stage, this model may not work. The regulations appear to discourage own-label products and appear to be tilted heavily towards the foreign manufacturer brands There is ambiguity in the interpretation of the term ‘single brand’. The existing policy does not clearly codify whether retailing of goods with sub-brands bunched under a major parent brand can be considered as single-brand retailing and, accordingly, eligible for 51 per cent FDI.Additionally, the question on whether co-branded goods (specifically branded as such at the time of manufacturing) would qualify as single brand retail trading remains unanswered. FDI in Multi Brand Retail The government has also not defined the term Multi Brand. FDI in Multi Brand retail implies that a retail store with a foreign investment can sell multiple brands under one roof. In July 2010, Department of Industrial Policy and Promotion (DIPP), Ministry of Commerce circulated a discussion paper[11] on allowing FDI in multi-brand retail.The paper doesn’t suggest any upper limit on FDI in multi-brand retail. If implemented, it would open the doors for global retail giants to enter and establish their footprints on the retail landscape of India. Opening up FDI in multi-brand retail will mean that global retailers including Wal-Mart, Carrefour and Tesco can open stores offering a range of household items and grocery directly to consumers in the same way as the ubiquitous ’kirana’ store. Foreign Investor’s Concern Regarding FDI Policy in IndiaFor those brands which adopt the franchising route as a matter of policy, the current FDI Policy will not make any difference. They would have preferred that the Government liberalize rules for maximizing their royalty and franchise fees. They must still rely on innovative structuring of franchise arrangements to maximize their returns. Consumer durable majors such as LG and Samsung, which have exclusive franchisee owned stores, are u nlikely to shift from the preferred route right away.For those companies which choose to adopt the route of 51% partnership, they must tie up with a local partner. The key is finding a partner which is reliable and who can also teach a trick or two about the domestic market and the Indian consumer. Currently, the organized retail sector is dominated by the likes of large business groups which decided to diversify into retail to cash in on the boom in the sector – corporates such as Tata through its brand Westside, RPG Group through Foodworld, Pantaloon of the Raheja Group and Shopper’s Stop.Do foreign investors look to tie up with an existing retailer or look to others not necessarily in the business but looking to diversify, as many business groups are doing? An arrangement in the short to medium term may work wonders but what happens if the Government decides to further liberalize the regulations as it is currently contemplating? Will the foreign investor terminate t he agreement with Indian partner and trade in market without him?Either way, the foreign investor must negotiate its joint venture agreements carefully, with an option for a buy-out of the Indian partner’s share if and when regulations so permit. They must also be aware of the regulation which states that once a foreign company enters into a technical or financial collaboration with an Indian partner, it cannot enter into another joint venture with another Indian company or set up its own subsidiary in the ‘same’ field’ without the first partner’s consent if the joint venture agreement does not provide for a ‘conflict of interest’ clause.In effect, it means that foreign brand owners must be extremely careful whom they choose as partners and the brand they introduce in India. The first brand could also be their last if they do not negotiate the strategic arrangement diligently. Concerns for the Government for only Partially Allowing FDI in Retail Sector A number of concerns were expressed with regard to partial opening of the retail sector for FDI.The Hon’ble Department Related Parliamentary Standing Committee on Commerce, in its 90th Report, on ‘Foreign and Domestic Investment in Retail Sector’, laid in the Lok Sabha and the Rajya Sabha on 8 June, 2009, had made an in-depth study on the subject and identified a number of issues related to FDI in the retail sector. These included: It would lead to unfair competition and ultimately result in large-scale exit of domestic retailers, especially the small family managed outlets, leading to large scale displacement of persons employed in the retail sector.Further, as the manufacturing sector has not been growing fast enough, the persons displaced from the retail sector would not be absorbed there. Another concern is that the Indian retail sector, particularly organized retail, is still under-developed and in a nascent stage and that, therefore, it is important that the domestic retail sector is allowed to grow and consolidate first, before opening this sector to foreign investors. Antagonists of FDI in retail sector oppose the same on various grounds, like, hat the entry of large global retailers such as Wal-Mart would kill local shops and millions of jobs, since the unorganized retail sector employs an enormous percentage of Indian population after the agriculture sector; secondly that the global retailers would conspire and exercise monopolistic power to raise prices and monopolistic (big buying) power to reduce the prices received by the suppliers; thirdly, it would lead to asymmetrical growth in cities, causing discontent and social tension elsewhere.Hence, both the consumers and the suppliers would lose, while the profit margins of such retail chains would go up. LIMITATIONS OF THE PRESENT SETUP Infrastructure There has been a lack of investment in the logistics of the retail chain, leading to an inefficient market mech anism. Though India is the second largest producer of fruits and vegetables (about 180 million MT), it has a very limited integrated cold-chain infrastructure, with only 5386 stand-alone cold storages, having a total capacity of 23. 6 million MT. , 80% of this is used only for potatoes.The chain is highly fragmented and hence, perishable horticultural commodities find it difficult to link to distant markets, including overseas markets, round the year. Storage infrastructure is necessary for carrying over the agricultural produce from production periods to the rest of the year and to prevent distress sales. Lack of adequate storage facilities cause heavy losses to farmers in terms of wastage in quality and quantity of produce in general. Though FDI is permitted in cold-chain to the extent of 100%, through the automatic route, in the absence of FDI in retailing; FDI flow to the sector has not been significant.Intermediaries dominate the value chain Intermediaries often flout mandi nor ms and their pricing lacks transparency. Wholesale regulated markets, governed by State APMC Acts, have developed a monopolistic and non-transparent character. According to some reports, Indian farmers realize only 1/3rd of the total price paid by the final consumer, as against 2/3rd by farmers in nations with a higher share of organized retail. Improper Public Distribution System (â€Å"PDS†) There is a big question mark on the efficacy of the public procurement and PDS set-up and the bill on food subsidies is rising.In spite of such heavy subsidies, overall food based inflation has been a matter of great concern. The absence of a ‘farm-to-fork’ retail supply system has led to the ultimate customers paying a premium for shortages and a charge for wastages. No Global Reach The Micro Small & Medium Enterprises (â€Å"MSME†) sector has also suffered due to lack of branding and lack of avenues to reach out to the vast world markets. While India has continued to provide emphasis on the development of MSME sector, the share of unorganised sector in overall manufacturing has declined from 34. % in 1999-2000 to 30. 3% in 2007-08[12]. This has largely been due to the inability of this sector to access latest technology and improve its marketing interface. Rationale behind Allowing FDI in Retail Sector FDI can be a powerful catalyst to spur competition in the retail industry, due to the current scenario of low competition and poor productivity. The policy of single-brand retail was adopted to allow Indian consumers access to foreign brands. Since Indians spend a lot of money shopping abroad, this policy enables them to spend the same money on the same goods in India.FDI in single-brand retailing was permitted in 2006, up to 51 per cent of ownership. Between then and May 2010, a total of 94 proposals have been received. Of these, 57 proposals have been approved. An FDI inflow of US$196. 46 million under the category of single brand retailing w as received between April 2006 and September 2010, comprising 0. 16 per cent of the total FDI inflows during the period. Retail stocks rose by as much as 5%. Shares of Pantaloon Retail (India) Ltd ended 4. 84% up at Rs 441 on the Bombay Stock Exchange.Shares of Shopper’s Stop Ltd rose 2. 02% and Trent Ltd, 3. 19%. The exchange’s key index rose 173. 04 points, or 0. 99%, to 17,614. 48. But this is very less as compared to what it would have been had FDI upto 100% been allowed in India for single brand. The policy of allowing 100% FDI in single brand retail can benefit both the foreign retailer and the Indian partner – foreign players get local market knowledge, while Indian companies can access global best management practices, designs and technological knowhow.By partially opening this sector, the government was able to reduce the pressure from its trading partners in bilateral/ multilateral negotiations and could demonstrate India’s intentions in liberal ising this sector in a phased manner. Permitting foreign investment in food-based retailing is likely to ensure adequate flow of capital into the country & its productive use, in a manner likely to promote the welfare of all sections of society, particularly farmers and consumers.It would also help bring about improvements in farmer income & agricultural growth and assist in lowering consumer prices inflation. Apart from this, by allowing FDI in retail trade, India will significantly flourish in terms of quality standards and consumer expectations, since the inflow of FDI in retail sector is bound to pull up the quality standards and cost-competitiveness of Indian producers in all the segments. It is therefore obvious that we should not only permit but encourage FDI in retail trade.Lastly, it is to be noted that the Indian Council of Research in International Economic Relations (ICRIER), a premier economic think tank of the country, which was appointed to look into the impact of BIG capital in the retail sector, has projected the worth of Indian retail sector to reach $496 billion by 2011-12 and ICRIER has also come to conclusion that investment of ‘big’ money (large corporates and FDI) in the retail sector would in the long run not harm interests of small, traditional, retailers.In light of the above, it can be safely concluded that allowing healthy FDI in the retail sector would not only lead to a substantial surge in the country’s GDP and overall economic development, but would inter alia also help in integrating the Indian retail market with that of the global retail market in addition to providing not just employment but a better paying employment, which the unorganized sector (kirana and other small time retailing shops) have undoubtedly failed to provide to the masses employed in them.Industrial organisations such as CII, FICCI, US-India Business Council (USIBC), the American Chamber of Commerce in India, The Retail Association of In dia (RAI) and Shopping Centers Association of India (a 44 member association of Indian multi-brand retailers and shopping malls) favour a phased approach toward liberalising FDI in multi-brand retailing, and most of them agree with considering a cap of 49-51 per cent to start with.The international retail players such as Walmart, Carrefour, Metro, IKEA, and TESCO share the same view and insist on a clear path towards 100 per cent opening up in near future. Large multinational retailers such as US-based Walmart, Germany’s Metro AG and Woolworths Ltd, the largest Australian retailer that operates in wholesale cash-and-carry ventures in India, have been demanding liberalisation of FDI rules on multi-brand retail for some time. Thus, as a matter of fact FDI in the buzzing Indian retail sector should not just be freely allowed but per contra should be significantly encouraged.Allowing FDI in multi brand retail can bring about Supply Chain Improvement, Investment in Technology, Man power and Skill development,Tourism Development, Greater Sourcing From India, Upgradation in Agriculture, Efficient Small and Medium Scale Industries, Growth in market size and Benefits to government through greater GDP, tax income and employment generation. Prerequisites before allowing FDI in Multi Brand Retail and Lifting Cap of Single Brand Retail FDI in multi-brand retailing must be dealt cautiously as it has direct impact on a large chunk of population.Left alone foreign capital will seek ways through which it can only multiply itself, and unthinking application of capital for profit, given our peculiar socio-economic conditions, may spell doom and deepen the gap between the rich and the poor. Thus the proliferation of foreign capital into multi-brand retailing needs to be anchored in such a way that it results in a win-win situation for India. This can be done by integrating into the rules and regulations for FDI in multi-brand retailing certain inbuilt safety valves.For exam ple FDI in multi –brand retailing can be allowed in a calibrated manner with social safeguards so that the effect of possible labour dislocation can be analyzed and policy fine tuned accordingly. To ensure that the foreign investors make a genuine contribution to the development of infrastructure and logistics, it can be stipulated that a percentage of FDI should be spent towards building up of back end infrastructure, logistics or agro processing units.Reconstituting the poverty stricken and stagnating rural sphere into a forward moving and prosperous rural sphere can be one of the justifications for introducing FDI in multi-brand retailing. To actualize this goal it can be stipulated that at least 50% of the jobs in the retail outlet should be reserved for rural youth and that a certain amount of farm produce be procured from the poor farmers. Similarly to develop our small and medium enterprise (SME), it can also be stipulated that a minimum percentage of manufactured prod ucts be sourced from the SME sector in India.PDS is still in many ways the life line of the people living below the poverty line. To ensure that the system is not weakened the government may reserve the right to procure a certain amount of food grains for replenishing the buffer. To protect the interest of small retailers the government may also put in place an exclusive regulatory framework. It will ensure that the retailing giants do resort to predatory pricing or acquire monopolistic tendencies. Besides, the government and RBI need to evolve suitable policies to enable the retailers in the unorganized sector to expand and improve their efficiencies.If Government is allowing FDI, it must do it in a calibrated fashion because it is politically sensitive and link it (with) up some caveat from creating some back-end infrastructure. Further, To take care of the concerns of the Government before allowing 100% FDI in Single Brand Retail and Multi- Brand Retail, the following recommendat ions are being proposed :- Preparation of a legal and regulatory framework and enforcement mechanism to ensure that large retailers are not able to dislocate small retailers by unfair means.Extension of institutional credit, at lower rates, by public sector banks, to help improve efficiencies of small retailers; undertaking of proactive programme for assisting small retailers to upgrade themselves. Enactment of a National Shopping Mall Regulation Act to regulate the fiscal and social aspects of the entire retail sector. Formulation of a Model Central Law regarding FDI of Retail Sector Important highlights of Economic Outlook 2011-12 Agriculture grew at 6. 6% in 2010-11. This year’s monsoon is projected to be in the range of 90 to 96 per cent, based on which Agriculture sector is pegged to grow at 3. % in 2011-12! Industry grew at 7. 9% in 2010-11. Projected to grow at 7. 1% in 2011-12 Services grew at 9. 4% in 2009-10. Projected to grow at 10. 0% in 2011-12 Investment rate pr ojected at 36. 4% in 2010-11 and 36. 7% in 2011-12 Domestic savings rate as ratio of GDP projected at 33. 8% in 2010-11 & 34. 0% in 2011-12 Current Account deficit is $44. 3 billion (2. 6% of GDP) in 2010-11 and projected at $54. 0 billion (2. 7% of GDP) in 2011-12 Merchandise trade deficit is $ 130. 5 billion or 7. 59% of the GDP in 2010-11 and projected at $154. 0 billion or 7. % of GDP in 2011-12 Invisibles trade surplus is $ 86. 2 billion or 5. 0% of the GDP in 2010-11 and projected at $100. 0 billion or 5. 0% in 2011-12 Capital flows at $61. 9 billion in 2010-11 and projected at $72. 0 billion in 2011-12 FDI inflows projected at $35 billion in 2011/12 against the level of $23. 4 billion in 2010-11 FII inflows projected to be $14 billion which is less than half that of the last year i. e $30. 3 billion Accretion to reserves was $15. 2 billion in 2010-11. Projected at $18. 0 billion in 2011-12 Inflation rate would continue to be at 9 per cent in the month of July-October 2011.The re will be some relief starting from November and will decline to 6. 5% in March 2012. Foreign direct investment; net (BoP; US dollar) in India The Foreign direct investment; net (BoP; US dollar) in India was last reported at 11008159606. 75 in 2010, according to a World Bank report released in 2011. The Foreign direct investment; net (BoP; US dollar) in India was 19668790288. 40 in 2009, according to a World Bank report, published in 2010. The Foreign direct investment; net (BoP; US dollar) in India was reported at 24149749829. 71 in 2008, according to the World Bank.Foreign direct investment is net inflows of investment to acquire a lasting management interest (10 percent or more of voting stock) in an enterprise operating in an economy other than that of the investor. It is the sum of equity capital, reinvestment of earnings, other long-term capital, and short-term capital as shown in the balance of payments. This series shows total net, that is, net FDI in the reporting economy from foreign sources less net FDI by the reporting economy to the rest of the world. Data are in current U. S. dollars.This page includes a historical data chart, news and forecast for Foreign direct investment; net (BoP; US dollar) in India. India's diverse economy encompasses traditional village farming, modern agriculture, handicrafts, a wide range of modern industries, and a multitude of services. Services are the major source of economic growth, accounting for more than half of India's output with less than one third of its labour force. The economy has posted an average growth rate of more than 7% in the decade since 1997, reducing poverty by about 10 percentage points. Total 933. 2 100 2705. 0 100 231530. 1 100
Friday, November 8, 2019
Incite, Incentive, Incent, Incentivize
Incite, Incentive, Incent, Incentivize Incite, Incentive, Incent, Incentivize Incite, Incentive, Incent, Incentivize By Maeve Maddox The first two words in the title, incite and incentive, have been in the language a long time: incite (1483) verb: to urge or spur on incentive (1475) noun: something that arouses feeling or incites to action. The verbs incent and incentivize are later arrivals that currently offend the sensibilities of many speakers: Some neologisms deserve to be throttled, wrapped up in black plastic, and dropped into the deepest crevices of the Marianas Trench as soon as they are created. Two such words are incent and incentivize. –Writing, Clear and Simple (2007) Does it bug you when you hear a word that’s not really a word–Take this example: incent. I hear this all the time, especially in business. As in, â€Å"What can we do to incent our staff to work harder?†–Edit This Blog (2011) You receive incentives to incentivize you. What do you get when youre incented? Incents? Incention?–Commenter reacting to another reader’s defense of incent. The verb incent, a backformation of the noun incentive, has an OED entry that documents the forms incented and incenting, but none for plain incent. The earliest citation is from 1844: â€Å"Incented by the stupid ambition of an ignorant mother, she thought that the purse of the one was far superior to the heart of the other.†The most recent (1997) identifies incent as not quite standard by enclosing it in quotations: â€Å"Workers need to be ‘incented’ with bonuses, stock options, and dispersed decision-making.†The verb incentivize first appears on the Ngram Viewer in the late 1950s, but doesn’t make much of a showing until the 1980s, when it begins to soar. Since then it has become a staple of business vocabulary. How can health plans incentivize members to take care of their health? Use objective measures to incentivize midlevel providers for increased productivity. FDA outlines plan to incentivize high-quality manufacturing. All of the words in this group derive from Latin incendÄ•re, â€Å"to kindle, set on fire.†An incentive is something that provokes a person to action. â€Å"Incentive pay†is documented from 1943. The noun incentive in the sense of payment to encourage a worker dates from 1948. Some readers object to both incent and incentivize, preferring the phrase â€Å"offer incentives to,†or the verb motivate. Others reject incent, but accept incentivize, arguing that motivate does not have quite the same meaning: There really is a difference between incentives and motivation. What an incentive is â€Å"I am going to pay you to want what I want.†And as long as you pay people to want what you want they do it. The minute you stop paying them to want what you want, they stop. And they are not motivated to do anything. They were just incentivized to do just that. –Clayton Christensen, BBC InBiz podcast, September 6, 2012. Regardless of one’s aversion to the sound of incentivize, railing against it is futile. When a new word is perceived as filling a gap, it will prevail. Incentivize is here to stay, right along with amortize, alphabetize, anesthetize, burglarize, commercialize and all the other -ize verbs we may or may not find pleasing to the ear. Incent, on the other hand, is supremely expendable. For one thing, it is used with the same meaning as incentivize. For another, the sound is so close to incite and incense as to invite misunderstanding. Incite can be used with a neutral meaning, for example, â€Å"to incite interest,†but is usually used in the context of stirring up trouble, as in â€Å"to incite violence.†The verb incense (accent on the second syllable) means, â€Å"to provoke to anger,†as in â€Å"Failure to abide by these requirements could incense an already emotional worker and trigger unnecessary and irksome litigation.†An inattentive listener might misunderstand the motives of an employer who wants â€Å"to incent his workers.†At present, incite isn’t so much as a speck on the Ngram Viewer so it may not be too difficult to ignore it into oblivion. As for incentivize, speakers who can’t bear to utter the word have options: prompt drive motivate inspire stimulate influence encourage offer incentives bribe Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Misused Words category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:16 Substitutes for â€Å"Because†or â€Å"Because Of†List of Greek Words in the English Language50 Synonyms for "Song"
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
Genetics Basics
Genetics Basics Have you ever wondered why you have the same eye color as your mother or the same hair color as your father? Genetics is the study of inheritance or heredity. Genetics helps to explain how traits are passed from parents to their young. Parents pass traits to their young through gene transmission. Genes are located on chromosomes and consist of DNA. They contain specific instructions for protein synthesis. Genetics Basics Resources Understanding certain genetic concepts can be difficult for beginners. Below are several helpful resources that will assist in the understanding of basic genetic principles. Gene Inheritance Genetic Dominance: Learn about the differences between complete genetic dominance, codominance, and incomplete dominance.Mendels Law of Segregation: The principles that govern heredity were discovered by a monk named Gregor Mendel in the 1860s. One of these principles is now called Mendels law of segregation.Mendels Law of Independent Assortment: This principle of heredity formulated by Gregor Mendel states that traits are transmitted to offspring independently of one another.Polygenic Inheritance: Polygenic inheritance is the inheritance of traits such as skin color, eye color, and hair color that are determined by more than one gene.Sex-linked Traits: Hemophilia is an example of a common sex-linked disorder that is an X linked recessive trait. Genes and Chromosomes Chromosomes and Sex: Introduction to the basics of sex determination by the presence or absence of certain chromosomes.Gene Mutations: A gene mutation is any change that occurs in the DNA. These changes can be beneficial to, have some effect on, or be seriously detrimental to an organism.Four Cute Features Caused by Gene Mutations: Did you know that cute features such as dimples and freckles are caused by gene mutations? These traits can either be inherited or acquired.Genetic Recombination: In genetic recombination, genes on chromosomes are recombined to produce organisms with new gene combinations.Genetic Variation: In genetic variation, the alleles of organisms within a population change. This change may result from mutation, gene flow, or sexual reproduction.Sex Chromosome Abnormalities: Sex chromosome abnormalities occur as a result of chromosome mutations brought on by mutagens or problems that occur during meiosis. Genes and Protein Synthesis Decoding Your Genetic Code: The genetic code is the information in DNA and RNA that determines amino acid sequences in protein synthesis.How Does DNA Transcription Work?: DNA transcription is a process that involves the transcribing of genetic information from DNA to RNA. Genes are transcribed in order to produce proteins.Translation: Making Protein Synthesis Possible: Protein synthesis is accomplished through a process called translation. In translation, RNA and ribosomes work together to produce proteins. Mitosis and Meiosis DNA Replication: DNA replication is the process of copying the DNA within our cells. This process is a necessary step in mitosis and meiosis.The Cell Cycle of Growth: Cells grow and replicate through an ordered series of events called the cell cycle.Stage-By-Stage Guide to Mitosis: This guide to the phases of mitosis explores the reproduction of cells. In mitosis, chromosomes are duplicated and divided evenly between two daughter cells.Stages of Meiosis: This stage-by-stage guide to the phases of meiosis provides details about the events that occur in each of the stages of meiosis I and meiosis II.7 Differences Between Mitosis and Meiosis: Cells divide either through the process of mitosis or meiosis. Sex cells are produced through meiosis, while all other body cell types are produced through mitosis. Reproduction Gametes: The Building Blocks of Sexual Reproduction: Gametes are reproductive cells that unite at fertilization to form a new cell called a zygote. Gametes are haploid cells, meaning that they contain only one set of chromosomes.Haploid Cells: Gametes and Spores: A haploid cell is a cell that contains one complete set of chromosomes. Gametes are examples of haploid cells that reproduce by meiosis.How Sexual Reproduction Occurs: Sexual reproduction is a process by which two individuals produce offspring with genetic traits from both parents. It involves the union of gametes.Types of Fertilization in Sexual Reproduction: Fertilization involves the union of male and female sex cells, which results in the production of offspring with a mix of inherited genes.Parthenogenesis and Reproduction Without Fertilization: Parthenogenesis is a type of asexual reproduction that does not require the fertilization of a female egg cell. Both plants and animals reproduce in this manner.What Is Asexual Reproduction?: In asexual reproduction, one individual produces offspring that are genetically identical to itself. Common forms of asexual reproduction include budding, regeneration, and parthenogenesis.
Monday, November 4, 2019
Identification of unknown Lab Report Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Identification of unknown - Lab Report Example We were provided with number coded 24- hour broth culture containing a mixture of any two bacteria (gram +ve or gram –ve), 1 EMB plate, 1 blood agar plate, several inoculating loops and TSA slants. Other materials (mediums and reagents) required were requested from the laboratory technician depending on the type of tests that were to be carried out to facilitate in identifying the unknown bacteria. There were several tests to be carried out to identify the unknown bacteria. On receiving the less than 24 hours broth culture which contained two types of bacteria (G +ve and G- ve), I prepared a stock culture for culture purification. Labelled the bottom of blood agar plate (nonselective medium) with my identification codes, then chose one of the unknown culture, opened the petri dish carefully without placing the top of dish down on the bench. I used the inoculating loop to gently swipe across an area of the bacteria to transfer from the dish to the loop and gently made three successive streaks of the bacteria onto the agar surface of the labelled plate. Incubated the plate at 35o C for almost a week, I kept checking it regularly until single colonies had grown. Then I made a subculture of a single colony on TSA slant, incubated it at 35o C after good growth, I removed from the incubator and stored at room temperature. After acquiring the individual colonies, I performed a gram stain test using EMB (eosin Methylene blue) and lactose agar plate. Collected bacterial colony from and streaked on the EMB plate and waited for some days to observe the result. The unknown bacteria was Gram negative. With G –ve result I had to carry more tests: Oxidase test, Lactose fermentation test, Indole test, Bile Esculin test, Motility test, Methyl Red -Voges Proskauer test, and Lysine decarboxylase test. Oxidase test: Obtained a liquid culture stock of my gram
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Argentina Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Argentina - Essay Example The leader of grew up on the estancia in the province of Buenos Aires. Rosas led the Argentinean nation for 17 years from 1829 to 1852. Most historians describe his rule as tyrannical while others commended his contributions to the political structure and governorship of Argentina. The Rise of Juan Manuel de Rosas A significant proportion of Rosas youth was spent as a gaucho (cowboy) in the cattle country where he accumulated his fortunes. Rosas political ambitions began in 1820, as a caudilio when he led a section of gauchos in support of federalism. In the same year colonel Manuel Dorrego, the Buenos Aires governor, assigned Rosas to direct the provincial militia. In 1828 after the deposition of Manuel Dorrego, Rosas became the federalist leader (Lewis 46). Rosas confronted the Juan Lavalle, the new governor in 1829, and defeated him. After this, he became governor of Buenos Aires and became notorious for repressing his political opponents to quell competition. Political Exploits o f Juan Manuel Historians continue to argue over Rosas significance in Argentina’s development. Sarmiento, Mann and Stavans (9) indicate that Rosas was seen as a tyrant that was ignorant of existent laws and freedoms of liberals. To decrease the political wars he saw it sufficient to create an authoritarian regime. He negotiated with the native tribes to pacify their disagreements. In the beginning of 1830’s, Rosas was focusing on destroying the unitary (centralists) movement in Entre Rios and Cordoba. Rosas military friends Estanislao Lopez and Juan Facundo Quiroga were also emerging as political leaders (Lewis 45). Their accumulative military strength was allowing them to control activities in provinces and build local regimes. In 1831, after neutralizing the opposing force especially of Unitarios, he focused on the issues of Buenos Aires. Rosa used was ruling on behalf of wealthy ranchers and landowners. According to Lewis (46), Rosas policies promoted the policies o f these landowners. Rosas promoted the policies of estancerios. This was oppressive to the common citizens. As a caudilio of the western province, Facundo Quiroga political views were reflective of the conservative ideology (Sarmiento, Mann & Stavans 23). Quirogas early childhood is similar to Rosas since he had little formal schooling. He was short, well built with broad shoulders compared to Rosas who was moderate. Additionally, Quiroga has a shrewdness of character since he gambled his father’s proceeds in 1806. Quiroga did not appreciate the discipline and structure of military life, unlike Rosas. His military exploits depict him as being a fierce caudilio and won respect from exemplary battlefield performances. Both Quiroga and Rosa were strongly against the unitarist movement and formed military expeditions against them. Rosa had a low view of women and children especially of the unitarist movement. He was eminent for his intimidation tactics especially on the common fo lk as this was his technique of stamping authority. In contrast, Quiroga was very diminutive of the children and women of the unitarios but was more interested in the men (Sarmiento, Mann & Stavans 36). He saw the men could raise significant opposition against his rule and then saw it appropriate to execute them. This portrays that the two leaders had divergent opinions of women and children of the unitarist movements. A letter that Quiroga sent his wife, Dolores, shows he was considerate of the affairs
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