Sunday, August 23, 2020
Friday, August 21, 2020
The Great Gatsby Study Essays
The Great Gatsby Study Essays The Great Gatsby Study Essay The Great Gatsby Study Essay Exposition Topic: Writing The finish of any novel ought to be both critical for the peruser and reverberate with the fundamental subjects of the novel (I. e. a definitive perspective of the creator). The Great Gatsby figures out how to do this effectively, however just gratitude to the last page of the novel, which contains incredibly powerful and expressive composition. Before the finish of the novel, the principle activity of the novel (I. e. he entry between the encounter of Gatsby and Tom at the Plaza Hotel and the passings of Gatsby and Wilson) has occurred: the novel has arrived at its peak, and now it is losing energy quick. This prompts an inescapable inclination that the remainder of the novel is to some degree a custom, included simply to take care of the potential issues of the storyline. This loans this last segment of an intriguing novel a somewhat counterfeit inclination, rather reluctant and segregated fragment. When the peruser arrives at the absolute last segment, the novel has lost the frantic pace and complexity that portrayed the sections promptly going before this end thus the peruser might be losing enthusiasm, which means the completion isn't vital up to this point. Fitzgerald has, however, endeavored to underscore numerous topics (Gatsbys memorial service is inadequately joined in, indicating his absence of real status, Toms insubordination and impassion, demonstrating the irreverence of the high societies) in the end phases of the novel, even through the absence of activity in these end stages. In the absolute last area of the novel (from Gatsbys house was as yet void when I left), Nicks reflection is profoundly melancholic and thoughtful Fitzgerald utilizes numerous parts of account here to pass on a feeling of solemn conclusiveness. The absence of voice in this last segment adds to the sentiment of forlornness (maybe characteristic of the genuine depression of Gatsbys life, in any event, during his wild gatherings, let alone in his demise) and permits the account to get concentrated on Nicks agonizing and contemplative perspective. A genuine case of Nicks perspective is the portrayal of Gatsbys chateau as an enormous mixed up disappointment of a house, strengthening that Nick pushes all through the novel: that social portability is inconceivable, and that Gatsbys endeavor to change himself into an individual from the tip top groups of friends has fizzled (the disappointment here represented by the fresh out of the plastic new fake Gothic manor). The setting likewise shows a definitive purposelessness of Gatsbys dream: the grass on his garden had developed as long as mine the peruser is helped to remember Gatsbys scorn of Nicks yard while examining the chance of a gathering with Daisy, which just further burdens that all of Gatsbys difficult work can be so effectively fixed, additionally indicating the quality of time, and how nobody (not by any means the Great Gatsby) can rise up out of a fight with time successful; On the white strides (of Gatsbys manor) a vulgar word, scribbled by some kid with a bit of block, stood apart obviously in the evening glow this features the realities that Gatsby would never truly incorporate into East American culture and that there are not very many individuals that care for him (likewise appeared by the abandoned participation at his memorial service). The American Dream is additionally managed in this last segment, with Fitzgerald addressing the fantasies of the main American pioneers and their likenesses to those of Gatsby: the two of them saw a nation with the extension for vast chance; a wondrous chance to re-concoct themselves in another land. Where this may have once been valid, it shouldn't be expressed by Fitzgerald that Gatsby has neglected to accomplish this, adding to the sentiment of compassion and sheer pity in the consummation of the novel, depicting Gatsby, indeed, as a casualty of the changed occasions (I. e. a period where social classes have gotten fixed). Fitzgerald has indicated to the significance of time in the area as of now (as appeared above): he additionally utilizes time as a gadget twice more, the subsequent occasion being one of the most impressive gadgets in the whole novel. The main occasion is when Nick depicts spending his Saturday evenings in New York since he was continually helped to remember Gatsbys amazing, glimmering parties when in West Egg, indicating how Nicks life has been significantly affected upon by Gatsby, yet additionally demonstrating how he wishes to overlook the abusive celebration and wantonness of those gatherings, the last of which shows that Gatsbys endeavors to make himself well known wind up pushing even those nearest to him away, again featuring the unforgiving misery of his fantasy. The second (unimaginably incredible) example where Fitzgerald utilizes time epitomizes numerous subjects of the book: Gatsby trusted in the green light, the orgastic future that step by step retreats before us. It escapes us at that point, however that is regardless of tomorrow we will run quicker, loosen up our arms further And one fine morning So we beat on, pontoons against the current, borne back unendingly into the past. It is on this note Fitzgerald parts of the bargains, note of despondency at the absurdity of human good faith; a note of disappointment at the difficulty of arriving at the green light, paying little mind to its appearing vicinity; a note of sadness concerning the powerful draw of the past, frequenting the individuals who endeavor to rise above its limits. The moving uncertainty of the last section shows Nick neither dismissing nor tolerating the American Dream as a reality, simply his contemplations on the trouble in accomplishing it, interweaved with a mindful goodbye to his companion, who attempted and neglected to change his fantasies into a reality. It is, at that point, the last page or so of The Great Gatsby that spares the finish of the story. Already, Fitzgerald had driven the story into a condition of loosened up custom which, following the very fast pace of the climactic scenes, appeared to be practically unessential. The epic had made the progress from activity to examination successfully, yet was at risk for deteriorating into a fairly inert consummation. It is on the last pages, where Nick (Fitzgerald) depicts the pointlessness of dreams with such expressiveness, that the completion changes from being marginally predictable into being a twirling mixed drink of feelings and thoughts on life, addressing issues incredibly principal with the trademark stunning effortlessness that courses through the veins of this splendid story, making the end both noteworthy for the peruser and intelligent of the predominant topics of the novel.
Saturday, July 11, 2020
Ideas For Writing An Essay - Different Topics For Writing An Essay
Ideas For Writing An Essay - Different Topics For Writing An EssayTopics for writing an essay can be quite challenging if you are having trouble coming up with ideas. To make things a little easier, I have found many topics for writing an essay. Some of them are easy to write about and others can be a little harder.The first kind of different topic is family. You may feel that your family is very similar to other families you know. The first thing you can do is begin to write about all the different differences between your family and the other ones you know. Start by talking about the little differences. As you write, talk about the ways they influence one another.The next way to write about the family is to talk about the similarities. You will need to talk about the differences in how the family goes about things. You will also need to talk about how people relate to one another. If you try to mention each and every family member, you may not even get your point across.The third k ind of different topic is hobbies. This is a topic you can write about for your family, but if you want to be unique, you might want to go beyond that. If you like to read, talk about how hobbies affect your family.As you can see, music is a great topic for writing an essay. You can talk about the meaning of songs and how songs are used in various circumstances. You can talk about the different types of songs and how those types are used. You can talk about where you find songs, what people think about them, and how songs influence each other.Remember, when it comes to writing an essay, you need to choose the right topics for writing an essay. People talk to their families on a daily basis. You can begin to research the meaning of songs and talk about how songs are used in everyday life. Your family may not necessarily know that you are doing this research, but they will certainly be interested in learning about it.The last type of topic you can use is a similar subject. There are m any people who feel that life is too short to spend it worrying about things. You can help them understand this by pointing out the different ways life can get you.When it comes to essay writing, you should never feel like you are stuck on a topic. Each and every person is different and have a different point of view on things. You can find the different topics for writing an essay that will satisfy all the needs of the reader.
Wednesday, May 20, 2020
The Important Role of Athletics in Schools
The value of athletics in schools is significant and cannot be overlooked. It has a profound impact on individuals, the school as a whole, as well as the community. Athletics is powerful and transcendent. It can bridge gaps, bring people with relatively nothing in common together, and gives many participates unbelievable, life-altering opportunities. Here, we examine several of the key benefits of having an established, successful athletics program in your school. Many Meaningful Opportunities Virtually every little boy dreams of playing professional baseball, football, or basketball. Very few realize that dream, but it does not mean that athletics cannot provide them with other meaningful opportunities. The top tier athletes often receive a scholarship to attend college and continue their athletic career. For many, this may be their only opportunity to go to college. This opportunity, if taken advantage of, can be life-altering. For the majority, high school is the last time they will participate in organized athletics as a player. However, there are still other opportunities that may result because of their participation in and passion for school athletics. Coaching is a terrific way to stay involved with athletics. Many successful coaches were average high school players with both a passion and understanding of how the game was played but without the individual talent necessary to succeed at the next level. Athletics can also provide opportunities through relationships. In a team sport, players are typically close to one another. These relationships can span the length of a lifetime. Staying connected may provide you with a job or investment opportunity. It may simply provide you with life-long friends who have your back in any situation. School Pride Every school administrator and teacher want the student body to have pride in their school. Athletics is the building block of promoting school pride. Pre-game events such as homecoming, pep rallies, and parades are intended to show off that school pride. We love to support our team no matter whether we win or whether we lose. We hate our rivals and despise them, even more, when they beat us. School pride is about coming together for every gameâ€â€putting individual differences aside and yelling and cheering loudly together in support of your team. It is about painting our faces and wearing school colors. It is about the student section coming up with creative chants that get in the other teams heads before the game even begins. School pride is about staying after the game and singing the alma mater, no matter whether you win or whether you lose. School pride creates a bond between an individual and the school. This bond spans the course of a lifetime. It can be measured by the sense of pride that you feel when your high school wins a state championship twenty years after you graduate. It is the joy that you feel when you have a child attending and playing for your alma mater. It is a connection that can be both deep and meaningful. School Recognition Teachers and schools rarely receive positive media attention. When you see a story on those subjects, it is typically negative in nature. However, the coverage of athletics is the exact opposite. Sport sells! Having a successful athlete and/or team will likely give you positive media coverage within and around your community. While a teacher with a successful academic program will garner little to no attention, a team with a 10–0 record will be followed closely by the media and the community. This type of notoriety is celebrated. It makes the school attractive to families looking to move into a community that values an outstanding athletics program. It also puts fans in the stands, which translates to more money being poured into the athletics department. This allows coaches and athletic directors the freedom to purchase equipment and training tools that may continue to give their athletes a competitive advantage. Most schools do not want to have an athletic team. Instead, they want to have an athletic program. A program is continuously successful year after year. They build and nurture talent at an early age. Programs garner the most athletic success and, thus, attention. A good player at a well-known program will have a better chance of receiving a scholarship than a good player on a lesser known team. Student Motivation Athletics can serve as a powerful academic motivator for athletes who would otherwise underperform in the classroom. There are many students who see school as secondary to athletics. As adults, we realize that academics are of far greater importance than athletics. However, as teenagers, the academic side was probably not the center of our focus as it should have been. The good news is that schools require their student-athletes to maintain a certain grade average (typically 60% or above) to participate in athletics. Many students stay in school and keep their grades up only because of their desire to compete in athletics. This is a sad reality but may also provide the greatest reason for keeping athletics in schools. Athletics also serves as motivation for staying out of trouble. Athletes know that if they get in trouble, there is a reasonable chance that they will be suspended for games or parts of a game. This does not mean that every athlete makes the best decision every time. However, the prospect of playing athletics has been a powerful deterrent from making wrong choices for many student-athletes. Essential Life Skills Athletics provides athletes with several benefits including the acquisition of valuable life skills that will benefit them throughout their life. These skills are more beneficial than the games themselves, and their impact can be powerful and transcending. Some of these skills include: Effort - This is defined as giving it everything you have in both practice and games. Effort can overcome the lack of talent in many cases. A player who gives 100% effort is said to have heart. Life lesson: Give your best no matter what and you cannot question yourself in the end.Hard work - It is the preparation you put into becoming a better player before the game is played. This includes strength and endurance training, individual practice time, and film study. Life lesson: Preparation is the key to success. If you work hard to prepare, mistakes are less likely to occur.Self-discipline - It is the ability to maintain and carry out the role the coaches have determined within the game plan. This includes understanding your own individual strengths and weaknesses. Life lesson: Stay on task to get the job done no matter what distractions there may be.Teamwork - This is the ability to work with others to complete a goal successfully. A team will only be successful if each individ ual fulfills their role. Life lesson: Working with others is an essential part of being successful. Doing your own thing can be detrimental and lead to many problems.Time management - This is the ability to fulfill all obligations including practice, homework, family, friends, etc. Life lesson: You must be well-balanced and adept at handling all aspects of your life so that you are not overwhelmed and stressed out.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Freidman Family Assessment - 1398 Words
Freidman Family Assessment Laura Jones August 22, 2011 Nur/405 Beth Edwards, MSN, FNP-BC Friedman Family Assessment A community health nurse cares for individuals and families through comprehensive and continuing care. The community health care nurse is not restricted to the care of one particular age group of population. The community health nurse encourages all participates to contribute in the education, promotion and maintenance of good health. According to Stanhope and Lancaster (2008), family nursing assessment is the cornerstone of family nursing interventions. Stanhope and Lancaster (2008), also state that by using a systemic process, family problems areas are identified and family strengths are emphasized as building†¦show more content†¦The couple lives in a middle class neighborhood. The elementary school is 2 miles away. The closest supermarket is approximately seven miles away. The closest fire station is approximately 1o miles away and the closest police station is approximately 15 miles from their home. JM and MM report that the crime rate in the area is low. MM sister lives approximately four miles away and her parents live approximately 30 miles away. JM has no family close. Family Structure and Function Communication between this couple feels tense. MM is the primary decision maker however she complains that JM is never happy with her decisions. Finances are very tight for this couple. Although the oldest child attends pre-k she must attend before and after school and the daycare the younger child attends. This cost the family $800 per month. MM has mentioned in conversations that she is resentful that JM eats fast food a lot and consumes a lot of alcohol and this cause’s even more financial stress. Although the stress level in the house is high at times affection is shown by all parties JM and MM greet each other with an embrace and kiss when another enters the home. The children are showered with love and praise when the parents arrive home. The family gets little exercise. Occasionally, MM will take the girls for a walk around the block with weather permitting. JM get no exercise outside of his daily activities at work. HeShow MoreRelatedThe R elationship Between The Spouse And Cancer Survivor Essay1719 Words  | 7 Pagesindividuals to transition to a â€Å"new normal†. The female spouse of a cancer patient is more expressive than the male spouse caregiver, allowing more research themes of loneliness and self-care to emerge in the literature (Bruun et al., 2011; Pillai-Freidman Ashline, 2014). 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Data Encryption Standards for WIMAX Networks †Free Samples
Question: Discuss about the Data Encryption Standards for WIMAX Networks. Answer: Data Encryption Standards for WIMAX Networks DES: DES is the short form for Data Encryption Standard. The technology is utilized as the primary guidelines for the procedure of information encryption (ISLAM AZAD, 2014). The symmetric nature of the information encryption standard includes the advancement of the procedure of encryption for the information management by utilizing the keys. The sender is constantly told about the key that is used in encryption for the DES processing before the execution for the encryption procedure. Regularly the extent of data encryption key utilized by DES is 64 bits. Be that as it may, the real accessible size for the key of DES encryption is 56 bits just as the rest of the 8 bits are left for parity analysis for the information models. DES encryption was produced and planned by IBM. The DES encryption is an open standard for the encryption procedure of the information and data. AES: AES stands for Advanced Encryption Standard. The AES is a piece symmetric information standard (Karthik Muruganandam, 2014). The ramifications of the propelled information gauges are utilized for framing the piece encryption in the association. The Advanced Encryption Standard is exceptionally useful for the following the encryption standards for the most secured operations that is implied by the US government too. The US government had picked this standard for the improvement of the insurance of the arranged and private data. The AES encryption process utilizes indistinguishable keys for implementation of improvement of encryption and information assurance. The benchmarks of the encryption can acknowledge the information obstruct for encryption having length of 128 bits. Among the processes the 3 keys utilized for the encryption are 128 bits, 192 bits, and 256 bits long individually (Bhanot Hans, 2015). The AES procedure of encryption includes the handling of the entire piece comprising of information in a parallel way to use the substitution method and stages for each round. Triple DES: As opined by Barker and Barker (2012), the technology of Triple DES is a changed and advanced type of Data Encryption Standard utilized for the procedure of encryption. The system of encryption utilizing Triple DES encryption procedure would include the utilization of 3 isolate keys for the effective completion of the encryption. The calculation utilized for Triple DES encryption incorporates the use of the DES thrice to secure the information and data. The keys utilized as a part of the Triple DES encryption comprise of three bits size and it can be utilized for encryption of the information. The first (56 bits) and third key (168 bits) is utilized for encoding the information. Be that as it may, the second key (112 bits) is utilized for decoding of the information. Security Challenges of WPAN Technologies Security Issues for using Bluetooth: Bluetooth is a propelled innovation for exchanging of document and media by utilizing the Bluetooth infrared information exchange (Padgette, 2017). However the innovation had been confronting many issues and difficulties of security like Bluejacking, Bluesnarfing assault, and Backdoor Hacking. The Bluejacking is the procedure when the programmers effectively execute the wholesale fraud for separating essential data from the framework gadgets (Minar and Tarique, 2012). The Bluesnarfing assault contains event of the assault in the Bluetooth arrange by the way toward hacking. The programmers in this situation hack into the system of Bluetooth of accessing the classified and private information and data for their own advantages. The Backdoor Hacking is the risk to the Bluetooth innovation for the abuse of the vulnerabilities that are present in the framework. The programmers penetrate the gadget and frame the invasion of the gadget that can be done wi thout even requiring to be matched with the touchy information. Consequently Bluetooth gadgets had been confronting many issues and difficulties of precautions like Bluejacking, Bluesnarfing assault, and Backdoor Hacking. The programmers in this situation hack into the system of Bluetooth of accessing the secret and private information and data for their own advantages. The programmers invade the gadget and frame the penetration of the gadget that can be done without even requiring to be matched with the delicate information. Security Issues for using Zigbee: Zillner and Strobl (2015) have stated that Zigbee is a progressed WPAN innovation utilized for conveying and exchanging of the data starting with one client then onto the next. The difficulties of security looked by the Zigbee innovation are hacking and impersonation of Zigbee hub. The programmers and digital hoodlums utilize straightforward techniques for hacking the Zigbee with their knowledge about the way that the innovation of Zigbee utilizes the radio recurrence waves and it turns out to be anything but difficult to focus on the Zigbee radio gadgets by misusing the recurrence work. The encryption of the Zigbee utilizing gadgets are focused by the assailants (Wang, Jiang Zhang, 2014). The clients would not know about their gadgets being hacked remotely by utilizing the hacking strategy. Now and again, the programmers utilize the innovation for getting into its framework gadgets from remote and distant places. The physical access to the gadget i s another figure that outcomes security issues. Critical Reflection on Energy Harvest The harvesting of energy is a primary concern for the development of the effective and improved processing of the energy (Shaikh Zeadally, 2016). The power generation for the energy harvesting would be deployed for forming the use of the energy resources for power generation in WSN. The energy resources can be either exhaustible (non renewable) resources or non exhaustible (renewable) resources. The generation of the power would be facilitated by the use of the energy nodes by WSN. The problems and issues faced by the WSN had resulted in the requirement for deploying the effective and improved technology. The various energy sources like solar and wind can be used for generating the energy for WSN. The solar energy is the most prominent source of energy and it forms the utilization of the solar rays for generation of energy. The solar energy provides the most cleanly and green energy and it would involve the deployment of the synthesis methods for the generation of the power. The ray s of the sun are entrapped in voltaic cells by the use of solar panels. The solar energy is utilized for forming the development of the electrical energy by converting the heat energy. The wind energy is synthesized by using Windmills. The force of the air would help in rotating the wings of the windmills. The rotation of the fangs would tend to develop the running of the motor for generating the energy 9 Ulukus et al., 2015). The mechanical energy would be converted to electrical energy. The solar and wind energy sources would be used for generating the energy for WSN. The rays of the sun are entrapped in voltaic cells by the use of solar panels and the wind energy is synthesized by using Windmills. References Barker, W. C., Barker, E. B. (2012). SP 800-67 Rev. 1. Recommendation for the Triple Data Encryption Algorithm (TDEA) Block Cipher. Bhanot, R., Hans, R. (2015). A review and comparative analysis of various encryption algorithms.International Journal of Security and Its Applications,9(4), 289-306 ISLAM, E., AZAD, S. (2014). data encryption standard.Practical Cryptography: Algorithms and Implementations Using C++, 57. Karthik, S., Muruganandam, A. (2014). Data Encryption and Decryption by using Triple DES and performance analysis of crypto system.International Journal of Scientific Engineering and Research, 24-31. Minar, N. B. N. I., Tarique, M. (2012). Bluetooth security threats and solutions: a survey.International Journal of Distributed and Parallel Systems,3(1), 127. Padgette, J. (2017). Guide to bluetooth security.NIST Special Publication,800, 121. Shaikh, F. K., Zeadally, S. (2016). Energy harvesting in wireless sensor networks: A comprehensive review.Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews,55, 1041-1054. Ulukus, S., Yener, A., Erkip, E., Simeone, O., Zorzi, M., Grover, P., Huang, K. (2015). Energy harvesting wireless communications: A review of recent advances.IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications,33(3), 360-381. Wang, C., Jiang, T., Zhang, Q. (Eds.). (2014).ZigBee network protocols and applications. CRC Press. Zillner, T., Strobl, S. (2015). ZigBee exploited: The good the bad and the ugly.
Thursday, April 23, 2020
The Proof is in the Pudding free essay sample
Should everyone go to college? This question seems to have even more of an impact as I myself make the decision as to whether college is the correct choice. From the time we enter kindergarten, parents drill into our heads that college is the only way we can be successful in life, but is it true? Is college the only â€Å"right option†? The answer is no. While encouraging young Americans to attend some kind of secondary school is always a positive, college is not for everyone. Many students carry a heavy disdain for even primary schooling. As Wood mentions in his article, â€Å"College for All: Obama’s Education Agenda,†many students struggle to even get through middle or high school level schooling. While 10 percent of these children may be afflicted by learning disabilities (, it is clear that some people are just not scholars. In short, they lack the drive needed for higher education. We will write a custom essay sample on The Proof is in the Pudding or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Even when attending a community college, you have to WANT to be there. In the real world, things aren’t just handed to you and that is even more true in the education world. I had a teacher once that always said, â€Å"You get back what you put into it,†and this is absolutely correct. If students don’t have the drive or desire to succeed in lower education, how will they ever be able to succeed, or even compete in the dog-eat-dog work world? While the idea that college is for everyone is nice, it is mere fantasy that everyone moving on to higher education will better society. The leading cause for students to attend college is an increase in earning power, 76.6 percent to be exact (Wood); but what if the focus in life shouldn’t be money, but the quality of life? Many people, including my own family, feel that yes, money is necessary for survival in society, but that our focus should instead be on happiness rather than the number of zeros in our bank accounts. Some may argue that through college, students may find this personal fulfillment, or happiness, but according to the Chronicle for Higher Education, over 21 percent of students felt overwhelmed by what they were doing in college, which does not sound like the kind of â€Å"enriching†environment it’s supposed to be. College has its major purks, that is clear from the fact that this is such a big debate, but to say that â€Å"everyone should go to college†is just ludicrous. In a world where every person is individual and unique, saying that college, or even higher education in general, is the right option for everyone, is simply neave.
Tuesday, March 17, 2020
Responsible Fathering Essays
Responsible Fathering Essays Responsible Fathering Essay Responsible Fathering Essay Responsible Begeting Fathers play a cardinal function in household maps and interactions. The ideal male parent protects and supports his household, and is sober. A male parent with an dependence to cocaine makes him unqualified as a parent ; it yields him the ability to care for his kids. The dependence leads to breaks in dealingss with his kids. Cocaine dependent male parents are more interested in geting and utilizing drugs instead than disbursement clip with their kid, hence impacting the child’s emotional, mental, and societal development. Paternal cocaine dependence affects the emotional development of kids, seeing how attachment in the father-child relationship plays a cardinal function. A child’s fond regard to their parent acts as a footing for the development of trust, a sense of security, and an emotionally stable personality. In their article â€Å"Family Structure and Adolescent Drug Use: An Exploration of Single-Parent Families†, psychological science professors Vanessa Hemovich and William F. Crano provinces, â€Å"Children of cocaine dependant male parents by and large are more likely to be resource deprived and have less intense and less consistent monitoring†( 2100 ) . These kids frequently do non have the necessary parental supervising. These male parents besides reported harsher disciplinary patterns. Fathers, who monitor their kids less, be given to go more annoyed when their kid misbehaves. Emotion expressed by parents following a child’s misbehavior influences the parenta l determination devising procedure and unluckily, their parenting behaviour. Therefore, the male parent has the disposition to utilize physical penalty as a disciplinary method. Changeless physical penalty induces fear into kids ; it besides causes them to go aggressive during adolescent old ages and even into maturity. A child’s mental development is by and large influenced by their ain observations and judgements of their societal and physical environments. A male parent who abuses cocaine produces a degage and tense household environment, such an environment amendss personality development. Paternal cocaine dependence affects his child’s behaviour ; more, specifically surveies show that kids who grow up in places with cocaine maltreatment have higher degrees of depression, anxiousness, and antisocial behaviour ( Stover, Urdahl, A ; Easton 344 ) . Children with a history of antisocial behaviour are at higher hazards for fazing behavioural jobs in childhood, including aggressive behaviour. â€Å"Furthermore, striplings with aggressive behaviours have trouble in presuming grownup functions such as matrimony, parenting, and executing satisfactorily in the universe of work†( J. Brook, Duan, A ; D. Brook 410 ) . Aggressive striplings are at hazards of mistreating illegal substan ces, holding physical and mental unwellness, and prosecuting in condemnable behaviour in maturity. Along with aggression, paternal cocaine-addiction besides causes impaired societal development and behavioural jobs. Children of cocaine-addicted male parents are typically described as quiet and have a limited societal life. They have problem keeping normal, interpersonal relationships. A survey conducted by research physicians Neta Peleg-Oren, Giora Rahav, and Meir Teichmen found that â€Å"in drug dependent households there are no bounds, clear outlooks, nor clear criterions of behaviour ; and the parental attack towards the kids is inconsistent: the same behaviour may be rewarded in one state of affairs and punished in another†( 11 ) . Inconsistent and unpredictable parenting is a ground to why immature kids develop behavioural jobs, ensuing in impaired societal relationships. These kids display forms of behavior mature for their age, such as taking duty, internalising guilt, rationalizing, and exposing submissiveness. Yet, while they seem to be more mature, at the same clip they feel weak and dependent, and have their emotional and societal operation impaired as grownups ( Peleg-Oren e t al. 11 ) . As grownups they are at greater hazards of developing different psychological and behavioural jobs due to their insecurities. Surveies on the kids of cocaine nuts indicate that they are at danger for emotional jobs including depressive symptoms, anxiousness upsets, post-traumatic emphasis upset, low self-pride, and solitariness ( Stover et al. 347 ) . Other surveies suggest troubles in cognitive development: hapless problem-solving accomplishments, unequal verbal abilities, and were more likely to hold hapless academic public presentation. Related to behavior jobs, kids with low academic public presentation are more prone to go attached with delinquent societal groups ( Zimic A ; Jukic 177 ) . Poor academic public presentation and behavioural jobs is caused by the disregard these kids receive at place. There is a higher rate of disregard and household struggle with a male parent mistreating cocaine. A survey on kid disregard, conducted by Ana Mezzich and her co-workers, revealed important dental jobs with kids of cocaine-users compared to the kids of non-cocaine users, which is an early index of hapless general wellness ( 397 ) . Mezzich states, â€Å"The motive and duty of parents to supervise the child’s OD [ unwritten dental ] wellness is indispensable for bar of disease and the child’s acquisition of self-management of unwritten wellness behavior†( Mezzich 397 ) . These male parents find it easier to let their kids to devour processed sugars and pattern bad hygiene. If the disregard continues, the kid could hold trauma to his dentitions, shed blooding gums, lesions, and infections ( Mezzich 397 ) . Fathers, who use powerful drugs like cocaine, are more likely to hold intoxicant and other substances throughout the house, which are really detrimental to the dentitions and gums every bit good. Cocaine dependence can non merely ache the individual mistreating the drug, but it can besides harm their household. A parental dependance on drugs has been a turning job, particularly the impact it has on childhood development. Children are highly vulnerable to psychological upsets from the disregard they receive from their male parents. Parents who are high plenty on cocaine do non recognize the possible hazards of damaging their kid. Bing raised by a drug addicted parent is like the equality to non being raised at all. Most people are opprobrious or irrational when they are high. When parents lash out on their kids, they create an image that their childs will copy – an opprobrious, angry individual. Childhood and adolescence is a critical phase when person learns right from incorrect and develops a healthy growth form. A kid can non larn how to act right if his male parent merely displays selfish and neglecting behaviour. It induces a nerve-racking household environment bec ause these male parents are more interested in obtaining and utilizing cocaine instead than in their children’s development. These kids are being forced to maturate early, but can non win decently due to improper attention from cocaine-dependent male parents. If the people they know and trust are non willing to learn and take part in their lives, so they are looking into a dark hereafter. Plants Cited Brook, Judith, Tao Duan, and David Brook. Fathers Who Abuse Drugs And Their Adolescent Children: Longitudinal Forecasters Of Adolescent Aggression. American Journal on Addictions16.5 ( 2007 ) : 410-17.SPORTDiscus with Full Text.Web. 24 Jan. 2014. Hemovich, Vanessa, and William Crano. Family Structure and Adolescent Drug Use: An Exploration of Single-Parent Families. Substance Use A ; Misuse44.14 ( 2009 ) : 2099-113.SPORTDiscus with Full Text.Web. 24 Jan. 2014. Mezzich, Ada, et Al. Child Neglect and Oral Health Problems in Offspring of Substance-Abusing Fathers. American Journal on Addictions16.5 ( 2007 ) : 397-402.SPORTDiscus with Full Text.Web. 26 Jan. 2014. Peleg-Oren, Neta, Giora Rahav, and Meir Teichman. School-age Children of Fathers with Substance Use Disorder: Are They a High Risk Population? Journal of Alcohol A ; Drug Education 52.2 ( 2008 ) : 9-30. SPORTDiscus with Full Text. Web. 27 Jan. 2014. Stover, Carla Smith, Anna Urdahl, and Caroline Easton. Depression as a Mediator of the Association between Substance Abuse and Negative Parenting of Fathers. American Journal of Drug A ; Alcohol Abuse38.4 ( 2012 ) : 344-49.SPORTDiscus with Full Text.Web. 24 Jan. 2014. Zimic, Jadranka, and Vlado Jukic. Familial Hazard Factors Prefering Drug Addiction Onset. Journal of Psychoactive Drugs44.2 ( 2012 ) : 173-85.Academic Search Complete.Web. 24 Jan. 2014.
Sunday, March 1, 2020
Chemistry Pick Up Lines to Try on Your Crush
Chemistry Pick Up Lines to Try on Your Crush ​The best chemistry pickup line is sure to set off the reaction for chemical attraction! Here is a collection of cute, corny, funny, and possibly even effective chemistry pick up lines. For best effect, wear a lab coat while delivering a chemistry pick-up line. Safety goggles may help you out, but wearing disposable gloves might come across as creepy. If you really want to make an impression, learn a few science magic tricks. Who wouldnt be impressed by your ability to breathe fire or make glowing drinks? Are you made of copper and tellurium? Because youre CuTe.Do you have 11 protons? Cause youre sodium fine.Are you a carbon sample? Because I want to date you.You must be made of uranium and iodine because all I can see is U and I together.Forget hydrogen, youre my number one element.If I was an enzyme, Id be DNA helicase so I could unzip your genes.Chemists do it on the table periodically.Youre like an exothermic reaction. You spread hotness everywhere.Are you made of Fluorine, Iodine, and Neon? Cause you are F-I-Ne.If I had a choice between DNA and RNA, Id choose RNA because it has U in it.Hey baby, Ive got my ion you!According to the Second Law of Thermodynamics, you are supposed to share your hotness with me.You must be a compound of barium and beryllium because youre a total BaBe.Youre hotter than a Bunsen burner turned up all the way.Hey baby, would a little more alcohol catalyze this reaction?I wish I was adenine so I could get paired with U.Your body must be made of oxygen and neon because you are the ONe. You must be chlorine cause you are polarizing my bond.How about we go back to my place and form a covalent bond?If you were an element youd be Francium because youre the most attractive.You are a photon quanta to my valence electron because you excite me to a higher energy level.My favorite attractive force is van der Waals force. Can you feel it? Ill move closer if you cant.You make me hotter than sulfur hydroxide mixed with ethyl acetate.When Im near you I undergo anaerobic respiration because baby, you take my breath away.Im so strongly attracted to you, scientists will have to discover a fifth fundamental force.Lets find our combined volume by displacing the liquid in my waterbed.We have such great chemistry that we should do some biology together.You are the HCl to my NaOH. With our sweet love, we could make an ocean together.Lets get together sometime. You bring your beaker and Ill bring my stirring rod.I want to stick to you like glucose.Are you made of beryllium, gold, and ti tanium? You must be because you are BeAuTi-ful. Are you into science? Because I LAB you!Are you a non-volatile particle? Because you raise my boiling point.Scientists have recently discovered a rare new element called Beautium. It looks like you are made of it.You must be the acid to my litmus paper because every time I meet you I turn bright red.Could you tell me the oxidation state of this atom and your phone number?My name? Its Bond. Covalent Bond.Honey, were a galvanic cell. Cant you feel the electricity flowing between us?You must be a good benzene ring because you are pleasantly aromatic.How about we slip between my beta-pleated sheets and you get to know my alpha-helix?
Chemistry Pick Up Lines to Try on Your Crush
Chemistry Pick Up Lines to Try on Your Crush ​The best chemistry pickup line is sure to set off the reaction for chemical attraction! Here is a collection of cute, corny, funny, and possibly even effective chemistry pick up lines. For best effect, wear a lab coat while delivering a chemistry pick-up line. Safety goggles may help you out, but wearing disposable gloves might come across as creepy. If you really want to make an impression, learn a few science magic tricks. Who wouldnt be impressed by your ability to breathe fire or make glowing drinks? Are you made of copper and tellurium? Because youre CuTe.Do you have 11 protons? Cause youre sodium fine.Are you a carbon sample? Because I want to date you.You must be made of uranium and iodine because all I can see is U and I together.Forget hydrogen, youre my number one element.If I was an enzyme, Id be DNA helicase so I could unzip your genes.Chemists do it on the table periodically.Youre like an exothermic reaction. You spread hotness everywhere.Are you made of Fluorine, Iodine, and Neon? Cause you are F-I-Ne.If I had a choice between DNA and RNA, Id choose RNA because it has U in it.Hey baby, Ive got my ion you!According to the Second Law of Thermodynamics, you are supposed to share your hotness with me.You must be a compound of barium and beryllium because youre a total BaBe.Youre hotter than a Bunsen burner turned up all the way.Hey baby, would a little more alcohol catalyze this reaction?I wish I was adenine so I could get paired with U.Your body must be made of oxygen and neon because you are the ONe. You must be chlorine cause you are polarizing my bond.How about we go back to my place and form a covalent bond?If you were an element youd be Francium because youre the most attractive.You are a photon quanta to my valence electron because you excite me to a higher energy level.My favorite attractive force is van der Waals force. Can you feel it? Ill move closer if you cant.You make me hotter than sulfur hydroxide mixed with ethyl acetate.When Im near you I undergo anaerobic respiration because baby, you take my breath away.Im so strongly attracted to you, scientists will have to discover a fifth fundamental force.Lets find our combined volume by displacing the liquid in my waterbed.We have such great chemistry that we should do some biology together.You are the HCl to my NaOH. With our sweet love, we could make an ocean together.Lets get together sometime. You bring your beaker and Ill bring my stirring rod.I want to stick to you like glucose.Are you made of beryllium, gold, and ti tanium? You must be because you are BeAuTi-ful. Are you into science? Because I LAB you!Are you a non-volatile particle? Because you raise my boiling point.Scientists have recently discovered a rare new element called Beautium. It looks like you are made of it.You must be the acid to my litmus paper because every time I meet you I turn bright red.Could you tell me the oxidation state of this atom and your phone number?My name? Its Bond. Covalent Bond.Honey, were a galvanic cell. Cant you feel the electricity flowing between us?You must be a good benzene ring because you are pleasantly aromatic.How about we slip between my beta-pleated sheets and you get to know my alpha-helix?
Chemistry Pick Up Lines to Try on Your Crush
Chemistry Pick Up Lines to Try on Your Crush ​The best chemistry pickup line is sure to set off the reaction for chemical attraction! Here is a collection of cute, corny, funny, and possibly even effective chemistry pick up lines. For best effect, wear a lab coat while delivering a chemistry pick-up line. Safety goggles may help you out, but wearing disposable gloves might come across as creepy. If you really want to make an impression, learn a few science magic tricks. Who wouldnt be impressed by your ability to breathe fire or make glowing drinks? Are you made of copper and tellurium? Because youre CuTe.Do you have 11 protons? Cause youre sodium fine.Are you a carbon sample? Because I want to date you.You must be made of uranium and iodine because all I can see is U and I together.Forget hydrogen, youre my number one element.If I was an enzyme, Id be DNA helicase so I could unzip your genes.Chemists do it on the table periodically.Youre like an exothermic reaction. You spread hotness everywhere.Are you made of Fluorine, Iodine, and Neon? Cause you are F-I-Ne.If I had a choice between DNA and RNA, Id choose RNA because it has U in it.Hey baby, Ive got my ion you!According to the Second Law of Thermodynamics, you are supposed to share your hotness with me.You must be a compound of barium and beryllium because youre a total BaBe.Youre hotter than a Bunsen burner turned up all the way.Hey baby, would a little more alcohol catalyze this reaction?I wish I was adenine so I could get paired with U.Your body must be made of oxygen and neon because you are the ONe. You must be chlorine cause you are polarizing my bond.How about we go back to my place and form a covalent bond?If you were an element youd be Francium because youre the most attractive.You are a photon quanta to my valence electron because you excite me to a higher energy level.My favorite attractive force is van der Waals force. Can you feel it? Ill move closer if you cant.You make me hotter than sulfur hydroxide mixed with ethyl acetate.When Im near you I undergo anaerobic respiration because baby, you take my breath away.Im so strongly attracted to you, scientists will have to discover a fifth fundamental force.Lets find our combined volume by displacing the liquid in my waterbed.We have such great chemistry that we should do some biology together.You are the HCl to my NaOH. With our sweet love, we could make an ocean together.Lets get together sometime. You bring your beaker and Ill bring my stirring rod.I want to stick to you like glucose.Are you made of beryllium, gold, and ti tanium? You must be because you are BeAuTi-ful. Are you into science? Because I LAB you!Are you a non-volatile particle? Because you raise my boiling point.Scientists have recently discovered a rare new element called Beautium. It looks like you are made of it.You must be the acid to my litmus paper because every time I meet you I turn bright red.Could you tell me the oxidation state of this atom and your phone number?My name? Its Bond. Covalent Bond.Honey, were a galvanic cell. Cant you feel the electricity flowing between us?You must be a good benzene ring because you are pleasantly aromatic.How about we slip between my beta-pleated sheets and you get to know my alpha-helix?
Thursday, February 13, 2020
Write a paper of approximately 1500 words examining a topic of your Essay
Write a paper of approximately 1500 words examining a topic of your choice - Essay Example However, smoking is rapidly becoming unpopular in the society today. Sensitization campaigns have been lodged and bills pushed by legislators to bring to end the laws that legalize smoking, especially cigarette. Smoking in many regions can be associated with social classes and people smoke to feel a part of a given social class. Smoking brings a â€Å"feel good†sensation that is associated with less stress. This paper seeks to examine in details the social and health effects of smoking. Smoking is dangerous to almost all body organs and puts a person at a greater health risks. Female smokers have reduced chances of conceiving compared to their non smoking counterparts. In the case of pregnant women, smoking affects the health of their babies, whether before or after birth. Such cases as early deliveries (premature birth), babies dying before they are born, babies weighing less at birth, sudden death syndrome in infants have been reported from smokers. In men, smoking reduces the sperm counts, which may lead to infertility, miscarriage or birth defect risks. Banning smoking can boost fertility and healthy children and parents free from smoke related complications (Anderson, 2004). If the waxy substance forms inside the arteries that take blood to the limbs and organs, a condition known as Peripheral Arterial Disease will arise. This will affect the kidneys and the stomach. It is also a major cause of stroke (Anderson, 2004). There is a chance that many people suffering from pain and numbness in the legs and death of the tissues have Peripheral Heart Disease. If the kidney is affected its role of purifying the blood will not be done well and one can end up with impure blood. Severe kidney problems lead to kidney failure, which will lead to either kidney dialysis or a kidney transplant. Smoking has adverse consequences on immunity as well as inflammation. Women who have reached menopause but smoke are more likely to experience bone breakage due to their
Saturday, February 1, 2020
Journal Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 62
Journal - Essay Example According to the National Career Services, the job requires the holder to recruit and train sales persons, allocate areas to the reps, develop sales strategy & set performance targets, monitor his/her team’s results, support and motivate them to attain their set targets. The sales manager also provides feedback & coaches members of the sales team, compiles and analyses sales figures, personally deals with certain major customer accounts, collects feedback from customers for research and maintains current product profiles as well as those from the competition. In some instances the sales manager may be required to directly influence and contribute to marketing at the same time. Apart from studying hard to attain very high academic qualifications in my course, I also want to develop very effective team building skills, coaching, and management as well as selling skills. I also want to ensure I come out of college with strong planning & organizational skills, as well as shaping my communication and motivational skills in order to portray a strong and enthusiastic personality. Very important to this job are ones people skills and therefore I will also have to work on my social skills in order to graduate with desirable PR and ability to go out and generate new accounts in a manner that
Friday, January 24, 2020
Forever Failure :: essays papers
Forever Failure Everything was peaceful in my Haudenosaunee village. There were some disputes on land from time to time with other villages, but they were never as greedy as these white bearded monsters. They not only took away our homes, but also the land of our ancestors. I am one of the last ones who survived from their attacks for I led the back up warriors. Not one person from my tribe was able to defend themselves from the white men's gun, not even my father, Mountain-Lion, the bravest worrier of our village was able to survive. This was all a nightmare for me, a nightmare in which I would never wake up from†¦ These white men had already killed more than half of our bravest worriers. As the son of the courageous warrior, I must lead the rest of the 20,000 men for an attack against the French and Algonquins. I still remember the night before the attack. I sat in my longhouse for a long time. There was so much that I wanted to say, but just not enough time to say them all. Nevertheless, the silence remained, except for a few soft noise of my wife crying. It was hard to believe that two weeks ago, I had believed that I would live happily ever after with my wife. I could give up anything to go back in time and share those brief happy moments with my wife again. I held my tears back as I may not be able to grow old with my wife. I wouldn’t be able to make her smile when she’s sad, or look after her when she is sick. But in the longhouse I sat till dawn, until my wife, Pink Butterfly helped my dress for my battle. She tied a piece of soft leather around my waist, tied a knife around my leg, and lastly, braided my hair again and tied a large colorful feather around my head. She kissed me gently on my forehead and turned away. The touch of her soft lips made me want to cry, but I knew better. An Indian brave must never shed a tear, I am no longer the Little Bull I was two weeks ago. Now I must lead my people to fight the evil spirits of the White men. Forever Failure :: essays papers Forever Failure Everything was peaceful in my Haudenosaunee village. There were some disputes on land from time to time with other villages, but they were never as greedy as these white bearded monsters. They not only took away our homes, but also the land of our ancestors. I am one of the last ones who survived from their attacks for I led the back up warriors. Not one person from my tribe was able to defend themselves from the white men's gun, not even my father, Mountain-Lion, the bravest worrier of our village was able to survive. This was all a nightmare for me, a nightmare in which I would never wake up from†¦ These white men had already killed more than half of our bravest worriers. As the son of the courageous warrior, I must lead the rest of the 20,000 men for an attack against the French and Algonquins. I still remember the night before the attack. I sat in my longhouse for a long time. There was so much that I wanted to say, but just not enough time to say them all. Nevertheless, the silence remained, except for a few soft noise of my wife crying. It was hard to believe that two weeks ago, I had believed that I would live happily ever after with my wife. I could give up anything to go back in time and share those brief happy moments with my wife again. I held my tears back as I may not be able to grow old with my wife. I wouldn’t be able to make her smile when she’s sad, or look after her when she is sick. But in the longhouse I sat till dawn, until my wife, Pink Butterfly helped my dress for my battle. She tied a piece of soft leather around my waist, tied a knife around my leg, and lastly, braided my hair again and tied a large colorful feather around my head. She kissed me gently on my forehead and turned away. The touch of her soft lips made me want to cry, but I knew better. An Indian brave must never shed a tear, I am no longer the Little Bull I was two weeks ago. Now I must lead my people to fight the evil spirits of the White men.
Thursday, January 16, 2020
Eco&Finance Essay
There were lots of environmental resources at hand that will economic maturity. Protected areas in a specific realm are essential and could be a great source of fundamental strategy in order to achieve proliferation in the system. In accordance to this, there were several contributions for the said matter, some of them would be beneficial to take into account and others may not – it practically depends on how an individual perceived it and how would be able to contribute in a certain territory. It has been said that there were tons of means in order to generate funds for protected areas. It is beneficial that there are consistent adherent for a certain project to be able to maintain the productivity and efficiency of the protected areas. Considering government funding to generate income, through this, those in authority has allotted budget for the nourishment of the areas. Private sector funding also contributes to the increasing support for the said areas, which in turn will brought additional incentives for the land. Lockwoods, Worboys and Kothari (2006) exemplifies that â€Å"a growing number of business sectors are seeing opportunities in partnmership with protected areas and with the communities who surround them†(p. 332). Another imperative provider of the protected areas are the foundations and individual donors who identify such as beneficial not only for the community but also to the people. It was ellicidated that there are lots of benefits on investing in protected areas. Lockwoods, Worboys and Kothari (2006) connotes that â€Å"demand for the benefits afforded by protected areas is likely to continue to rise particularly with respect to recreation demand such as resource demand, enhanced information availability about the attraction of protected areas, etc. †(p. 340). As we maintain the stability of this matter, in return the investment that we make will proliferate. It is important to note also on how an individual will benefit and what particular privileges a person could get in maintaining their protected areas. It has been said that somehow, there were discrimination that occurs. Lockwoods, Worboys and Kothari (2006) said that â€Å"there must be clear definition of revenue-raising objectives and charges must be presented as a fee for services provided not a fee for entry or access rights†(p. 348). To wrap it all, it has been epitomized that in one way or the other, it is beneficial to consider the capabilities of protected areas considering how it will contribute to the growth and stability of a certain place. Lockwoods, Worboys and Kothari (2006) explains that â€Å"economic valuation techniques are directed towards estimating the impacts that in particular protected area or policy proposal has on economic welfare as well as to assess the contribution that protected areas makes to an economy†(p. 354). Parallel to this, contributions from different sectors should always be on top priority since it has a huge impact for the development and maintenance of the matter and which will stabilize the economy.
Tuesday, January 7, 2020
A Guide to Buying Firewood at Reasonable Prices
When it comes to fueling your fireplace or wood-burning stove, you can either purchase a rack or two of wood a time, cut it yourself, or buy it by the truckload. The problem with buying it a rack at a time is that its not cost-effective. The other option, cutting it yourself, is less expensive, but it takes a lot of time and effort. Which is why so many people who use fireplaces and wood-burning stoves as their primary source of heat choose to buy pre-cut wood in a large volume. By learning just a little bit about how to make the right purchase, you can save yourself money, time, and muscle painâ€â€and stay cozy all winter. What the Law States Many states have enacted firewood transaction laws to ensure that consumers are getting the correct amount of wood for their money. Its important to understand how a seller might measure wood compared to the state standards of measurement before trying to evaluate how much the wood should cost per unit of measurement. Cords and fractions of a cord are the only two legal units of measurement accepted in most states. Any other unit termâ€â€pile, rick, rank, pickup load, etc.â€â€is more of a regional or local preference and therefore can be prone to price-gouging. Understanding Measurements of Wood On average, a cord of wood as defined by most states is equal to the amount of cut and tightly stacked roundwood that can fit inside a container that measures four feet by four feet by eight feet or 128 cubic feet. Be aware that wood received in different lengths can mean you get a different amount of wood. For instance, a cord of wood split and tightly stacked in 16-foot lengths contains considerably more energy (less air space) than a cord of wood stacked and racked in eight-foot lengths. If the firewood is cut to fit a stove or fireplace and is split and tightly stacked, there is less room for air and more room for wood. If the wood is haphazardly piled, on the other hand, the air-to-wood volume ratio is increased and you have less energy per cord. You should, of course, insist on neat and tight stacking, but remember that every processing step adds to the cost of the wood. Also know that a truckload, while not a legal definition, is often the one most used by sellers. In these instances, a truckload can mean anything from a loaded light-weight short-bed pickup (which usually holds about a fifth of a cord) to a large pulpwood truck (which usually holds four cords). Tips for Getting Firewood at the Right Price There are a number of ways to mitigate price gouging and ensure that youre paying the right amount of money for the right amount of energy per unit of wood: Try to avoid buying firewood that is not sold in cords or fractions of a cord, since, again, these other measurements arent standardized and make it almost impossible to compare prices to the market value.In order to avoid wasted space, insist that the wood is cut to burning length, split, and uniformly stacked in a pile. Although this may increase the cost of the wood for handling, it will ensure a better volume of energy estimation and will make stacking for storage that much easier.Because truckload measurements can vary so greatly, always determine the hauling capacity in cubic feet of any truck used to hold the wood youve ordered and ensure that the stacking is relatively tight and orderly. You can, and should, measure your or the sellers transport bed to determine its volume, which will then determine the cord or fraction-of-a-cord price you can expect to pay.You can determine this price by multiplying the bed length by the bed width by the bed height. Then divide that gross cubic feet volume by 128. Take that number, which will probably be a fraction, and then multiply it by the price per cord to get your woods value. For instance, say you plan to go to a wood lot and stack and haul your own truckload. Your truck bed measures two by four by eight feet. Multiply those numbers together and you get 64. Divide by 128 and you get .5, or the capacity to hold half a cord of wood. If the seller advertises $200 per cord, you should expect to pay $100 to stack and haul your truckload yourself. What Youll Pay Firewood costs are driven by location and availability, so prices for a cord of mixed hardwood can range from $50 to more than $100 a cord, depending on location. If you want to have the seller stack and deliver, know that the cost of transporting that wood to your front door will add more money to that price. Again, depending on the region, you can pay anywhere from $100 to $150 more for processing, transport, and handling.
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