Friday, January 24, 2020

Forever Failure :: essays papers

Forever Failure Everything was peaceful in my Haudenosaunee village. There were some disputes on land from time to time with other villages, but they were never as greedy as these white bearded monsters. They not only took away our homes, but also the land of our ancestors. I am one of the last ones who survived from their attacks for I led the back up warriors. Not one person from my tribe was able to defend themselves from the white men's gun, not even my father, Mountain-Lion, the bravest worrier of our village was able to survive. This was all a nightmare for me, a nightmare in which I would never wake up from†¦ These white men had already killed more than half of our bravest worriers. As the son of the courageous warrior, I must lead the rest of the 20,000 men for an attack against the French and Algonquins. I still remember the night before the attack. I sat in my longhouse for a long time. There was so much that I wanted to say, but just not enough time to say them all. Nevertheless, the silence remained, except for a few soft noise of my wife crying. It was hard to believe that two weeks ago, I had believed that I would live happily ever after with my wife. I could give up anything to go back in time and share those brief happy moments with my wife again. I held my tears back as I may not be able to grow old with my wife. I wouldn’t be able to make her smile when she’s sad, or look after her when she is sick. But in the longhouse I sat till dawn, until my wife, Pink Butterfly helped my dress for my battle. She tied a piece of soft leather around my waist, tied a knife around my leg, and lastly, braided my hair again and tied a large colorful feather around my head. She kissed me gently on my forehead and turned away. The touch of her soft lips made me want to cry, but I knew better. An Indian brave must never shed a tear, I am no longer the Little Bull I was two weeks ago. Now I must lead my people to fight the evil spirits of the White men. Forever Failure :: essays papers Forever Failure Everything was peaceful in my Haudenosaunee village. There were some disputes on land from time to time with other villages, but they were never as greedy as these white bearded monsters. They not only took away our homes, but also the land of our ancestors. I am one of the last ones who survived from their attacks for I led the back up warriors. Not one person from my tribe was able to defend themselves from the white men's gun, not even my father, Mountain-Lion, the bravest worrier of our village was able to survive. This was all a nightmare for me, a nightmare in which I would never wake up from†¦ These white men had already killed more than half of our bravest worriers. As the son of the courageous warrior, I must lead the rest of the 20,000 men for an attack against the French and Algonquins. I still remember the night before the attack. I sat in my longhouse for a long time. There was so much that I wanted to say, but just not enough time to say them all. Nevertheless, the silence remained, except for a few soft noise of my wife crying. It was hard to believe that two weeks ago, I had believed that I would live happily ever after with my wife. I could give up anything to go back in time and share those brief happy moments with my wife again. I held my tears back as I may not be able to grow old with my wife. I wouldn’t be able to make her smile when she’s sad, or look after her when she is sick. But in the longhouse I sat till dawn, until my wife, Pink Butterfly helped my dress for my battle. She tied a piece of soft leather around my waist, tied a knife around my leg, and lastly, braided my hair again and tied a large colorful feather around my head. She kissed me gently on my forehead and turned away. The touch of her soft lips made me want to cry, but I knew better. An Indian brave must never shed a tear, I am no longer the Little Bull I was two weeks ago. Now I must lead my people to fight the evil spirits of the White men.

Thursday, January 16, 2020

Eco&Finance Essay

There were lots of environmental resources at hand that will economic maturity. Protected areas in a specific realm are essential and could be a great source of fundamental strategy in order to achieve proliferation in the system. In accordance to this, there were several contributions for the said matter, some of them would be beneficial to take into account and others may not – it practically depends on how an individual perceived it and how would be able to contribute in a certain territory. It has been said that there were tons of means in order to generate funds for protected areas. It is beneficial that there are consistent adherent for a certain project to be able to maintain the productivity and efficiency of the protected areas. Considering government funding to generate income, through this, those in authority has allotted budget for the nourishment of the areas. Private sector funding also contributes to the increasing support for the said areas, which in turn will brought additional incentives for the land. Lockwoods, Worboys and Kothari (2006) exemplifies that â€Å"a growing number of business sectors are seeing opportunities in partnmership with protected areas and with the communities who surround them† (p. 332). Another imperative provider of the protected areas are the foundations and individual donors who identify such as beneficial not only for the community but also to the people. It was ellicidated that there are lots of benefits on investing in protected areas. Lockwoods, Worboys and Kothari (2006) connotes that â€Å"demand for the benefits afforded by protected areas is likely to continue to rise particularly with respect to recreation demand such as resource demand, enhanced information availability about the attraction of protected areas, etc. † (p. 340). As we maintain the stability of this matter, in return the investment that we make will proliferate. It is important to note also on how an individual will benefit and what particular privileges a person could get in maintaining their protected areas. It has been said that somehow, there were discrimination that occurs. Lockwoods, Worboys and Kothari (2006) said that â€Å"there must be clear definition of revenue-raising objectives and charges must be presented as a fee for services provided not a fee for entry or access rights† (p. 348). To wrap it all, it has been epitomized that in one way or the other, it is beneficial to consider the capabilities of protected areas considering how it will contribute to the growth and stability of a certain place. Lockwoods, Worboys and Kothari (2006) explains that â€Å"economic valuation techniques are directed towards estimating the impacts that in particular protected area or policy proposal has on economic welfare as well as to assess the contribution that protected areas makes to an economy† (p. 354). Parallel to this, contributions from different sectors should always be on top priority since it has a huge impact for the development and maintenance of the matter and which will stabilize the economy.

Tuesday, January 7, 2020

A Guide to Buying Firewood at Reasonable Prices

When it comes to fueling your fireplace or wood-burning stove, you can either purchase a rack or two of wood a time, cut it yourself, or buy it by the truckload. The problem with buying it a rack at a time is that its not cost-effective. The other option, cutting it yourself, is less expensive, but it takes a lot of time and effort. Which is why so many people who use fireplaces and wood-burning stoves as their primary source of heat choose to buy pre-cut wood in a large volume. By learning just a little bit about how to make the right purchase, you can save yourself money, time, and muscle pain—and stay cozy all winter. What the Law States Many states have enacted firewood transaction laws to ensure that consumers are getting the correct amount of wood for their money. Its important to understand how a seller might measure wood compared to the state standards of measurement before trying to evaluate how much the wood should cost per unit of measurement. Cords and fractions of a cord are the only two legal units of measurement accepted in most states. Any other unit term—pile, rick, rank, pickup load, etc.—is more of a regional or local preference and therefore can be prone to price-gouging. Understanding Measurements of Wood On average, a cord of wood as defined by most states is equal to the amount of cut and tightly stacked roundwood that can fit inside a container that measures four feet by four feet by eight feet or 128 cubic feet. Be aware that wood received in different lengths can mean you get a different amount of wood. For instance, a cord of wood split and tightly stacked in 16-foot lengths contains considerably more energy (less air space) than a cord of wood stacked and racked in eight-foot lengths. If the firewood is cut to fit a stove or fireplace and is split and tightly stacked, there is less room for air and more room for wood. If the wood is haphazardly piled, on the other hand, the air-to-wood volume ratio is increased and you have less energy per cord. You should, of course, insist on neat and tight stacking, but remember that every processing step adds to the cost of the wood. Also know that a truckload, while not a legal definition, is often the one most used by sellers. In these instances, a truckload can mean anything from a loaded light-weight short-bed pickup (which usually holds about a fifth of a cord) to a large pulpwood truck (which usually holds four cords). Tips for Getting Firewood at the Right Price There are a number of ways to mitigate price gouging and ensure that youre paying the right amount of money for the right amount of energy per unit of wood: Try to avoid buying firewood that is not sold in cords or fractions of a cord, since, again, these other measurements arent standardized and make it almost impossible to compare prices to the market value.In order to avoid wasted space, insist that the  wood is cut to burning length, split, and uniformly stacked in a pile. Although this may increase the cost of the wood for handling, it will ensure a better volume of energy estimation and will make stacking for storage that much easier.Because truckload measurements can vary so greatly, always determine the hauling capacity in cubic feet of any truck used to hold the wood youve ordered and ensure that the stacking is relatively tight and orderly. You can, and should, measure your or the sellers transport bed to determine its volume, which will then determine the cord or fraction-of-a-cord price you can expect to pay.You can determine this price by multiplying the bed length by the bed width by the bed height. Then divide that gross cubic feet volume by 128. Take that number, which will probably be a fraction, and then multiply it by the price per cord to get your woods value. For instance, say you plan to go to a wood lot and stack and haul your own truckload. Your truck bed measures two by four by eight feet. Multiply those numbers together and you get 64. Divide by 128 and you get .5, or the capacity to hold half a cord of wood. If the seller advertises $200 per cord, you should expect to pay $100 to stack and haul your truckload yourself. What Youll Pay Firewood costs are driven by location and availability, so prices for a cord of mixed hardwood can range from $50 to more than $100 a cord, depending on location. If you want to have the seller stack and deliver, know that the cost of transporting that wood to your front door will add more money to that price. Again, depending on the region, you can pay anywhere from $100 to $150 more for processing, transport, and handling.