Wednesday, May 20, 2020
The Important Role of Athletics in Schools
The value of athletics in schools is significant and cannot be overlooked. It has a profound impact on individuals, the school as a whole, as well as the community. Athletics is powerful and transcendent. It can bridge gaps, bring people with relatively nothing in common together, and gives many participates unbelievable, life-altering opportunities. Here, we examine several of the key benefits of having an established, successful athletics program in your school. Many Meaningful Opportunities Virtually every little boy dreams of playing professional baseball, football, or basketball. Very few realize that dream, but it does not mean that athletics cannot provide them with other meaningful opportunities. The top tier athletes often receive a scholarship to attend college and continue their athletic career. For many, this may be their only opportunity to go to college. This opportunity, if taken advantage of, can be life-altering. For the majority, high school is the last time they will participate in organized athletics as a player. However, there are still other opportunities that may result because of their participation in and passion for school athletics. Coaching is a terrific way to stay involved with athletics. Many successful coaches were average high school players with both a passion and understanding of how the game was played but without the individual talent necessary to succeed at the next level. Athletics can also provide opportunities through relationships. In a team sport, players are typically close to one another. These relationships can span the length of a lifetime. Staying connected may provide you with a job or investment opportunity. It may simply provide you with life-long friends who have your back in any situation. School Pride Every school administrator and teacher want the student body to have pride in their school. Athletics is the building block of promoting school pride. Pre-game events such as homecoming, pep rallies, and parades are intended to show off that school pride. We love to support our team no matter whether we win or whether we lose. We hate our rivals and despise them, even more, when they beat us. School pride is about coming together for every gameâ€â€putting individual differences aside and yelling and cheering loudly together in support of your team. It is about painting our faces and wearing school colors. It is about the student section coming up with creative chants that get in the other teams heads before the game even begins. School pride is about staying after the game and singing the alma mater, no matter whether you win or whether you lose. School pride creates a bond between an individual and the school. This bond spans the course of a lifetime. It can be measured by the sense of pride that you feel when your high school wins a state championship twenty years after you graduate. It is the joy that you feel when you have a child attending and playing for your alma mater. It is a connection that can be both deep and meaningful. School Recognition Teachers and schools rarely receive positive media attention. When you see a story on those subjects, it is typically negative in nature. However, the coverage of athletics is the exact opposite. Sport sells! Having a successful athlete and/or team will likely give you positive media coverage within and around your community. While a teacher with a successful academic program will garner little to no attention, a team with a 10–0 record will be followed closely by the media and the community. This type of notoriety is celebrated. It makes the school attractive to families looking to move into a community that values an outstanding athletics program. It also puts fans in the stands, which translates to more money being poured into the athletics department. This allows coaches and athletic directors the freedom to purchase equipment and training tools that may continue to give their athletes a competitive advantage. Most schools do not want to have an athletic team. Instead, they want to have an athletic program. A program is continuously successful year after year. They build and nurture talent at an early age. Programs garner the most athletic success and, thus, attention. A good player at a well-known program will have a better chance of receiving a scholarship than a good player on a lesser known team. Student Motivation Athletics can serve as a powerful academic motivator for athletes who would otherwise underperform in the classroom. There are many students who see school as secondary to athletics. As adults, we realize that academics are of far greater importance than athletics. However, as teenagers, the academic side was probably not the center of our focus as it should have been. The good news is that schools require their student-athletes to maintain a certain grade average (typically 60% or above) to participate in athletics. Many students stay in school and keep their grades up only because of their desire to compete in athletics. This is a sad reality but may also provide the greatest reason for keeping athletics in schools. Athletics also serves as motivation for staying out of trouble. Athletes know that if they get in trouble, there is a reasonable chance that they will be suspended for games or parts of a game. This does not mean that every athlete makes the best decision every time. However, the prospect of playing athletics has been a powerful deterrent from making wrong choices for many student-athletes. Essential Life Skills Athletics provides athletes with several benefits including the acquisition of valuable life skills that will benefit them throughout their life. These skills are more beneficial than the games themselves, and their impact can be powerful and transcending. Some of these skills include: Effort - This is defined as giving it everything you have in both practice and games. Effort can overcome the lack of talent in many cases. A player who gives 100% effort is said to have heart. Life lesson: Give your best no matter what and you cannot question yourself in the end.Hard work - It is the preparation you put into becoming a better player before the game is played. This includes strength and endurance training, individual practice time, and film study. Life lesson: Preparation is the key to success. If you work hard to prepare, mistakes are less likely to occur.Self-discipline - It is the ability to maintain and carry out the role the coaches have determined within the game plan. This includes understanding your own individual strengths and weaknesses. Life lesson: Stay on task to get the job done no matter what distractions there may be.Teamwork - This is the ability to work with others to complete a goal successfully. A team will only be successful if each individ ual fulfills their role. Life lesson: Working with others is an essential part of being successful. Doing your own thing can be detrimental and lead to many problems.Time management - This is the ability to fulfill all obligations including practice, homework, family, friends, etc. Life lesson: You must be well-balanced and adept at handling all aspects of your life so that you are not overwhelmed and stressed out.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Freidman Family Assessment - 1398 Words
Freidman Family Assessment Laura Jones August 22, 2011 Nur/405 Beth Edwards, MSN, FNP-BC Friedman Family Assessment A community health nurse cares for individuals and families through comprehensive and continuing care. The community health care nurse is not restricted to the care of one particular age group of population. The community health nurse encourages all participates to contribute in the education, promotion and maintenance of good health. According to Stanhope and Lancaster (2008), family nursing assessment is the cornerstone of family nursing interventions. Stanhope and Lancaster (2008), also state that by using a systemic process, family problems areas are identified and family strengths are emphasized as building†¦show more content†¦The couple lives in a middle class neighborhood. The elementary school is 2 miles away. The closest supermarket is approximately seven miles away. The closest fire station is approximately 1o miles away and the closest police station is approximately 15 miles from their home. JM and MM report that the crime rate in the area is low. MM sister lives approximately four miles away and her parents live approximately 30 miles away. JM has no family close. Family Structure and Function Communication between this couple feels tense. MM is the primary decision maker however she complains that JM is never happy with her decisions. Finances are very tight for this couple. Although the oldest child attends pre-k she must attend before and after school and the daycare the younger child attends. This cost the family $800 per month. MM has mentioned in conversations that she is resentful that JM eats fast food a lot and consumes a lot of alcohol and this cause’s even more financial stress. Although the stress level in the house is high at times affection is shown by all parties JM and MM greet each other with an embrace and kiss when another enters the home. The children are showered with love and praise when the parents arrive home. The family gets little exercise. Occasionally, MM will take the girls for a walk around the block with weather permitting. JM get no exercise outside of his daily activities at work. HeShow MoreRelatedThe R elationship Between The Spouse And Cancer Survivor Essay1719 Words  | 7 Pagesindividuals to transition to a â€Å"new normal†. The female spouse of a cancer patient is more expressive than the male spouse caregiver, allowing more research themes of loneliness and self-care to emerge in the literature (Bruun et al., 2011; Pillai-Freidman Ashline, 2014). 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Data Encryption Standards for WIMAX Networks †Free Samples
Question: Discuss about the Data Encryption Standards for WIMAX Networks. Answer: Data Encryption Standards for WIMAX Networks DES: DES is the short form for Data Encryption Standard. The technology is utilized as the primary guidelines for the procedure of information encryption (ISLAM AZAD, 2014). The symmetric nature of the information encryption standard includes the advancement of the procedure of encryption for the information management by utilizing the keys. The sender is constantly told about the key that is used in encryption for the DES processing before the execution for the encryption procedure. Regularly the extent of data encryption key utilized by DES is 64 bits. Be that as it may, the real accessible size for the key of DES encryption is 56 bits just as the rest of the 8 bits are left for parity analysis for the information models. DES encryption was produced and planned by IBM. The DES encryption is an open standard for the encryption procedure of the information and data. AES: AES stands for Advanced Encryption Standard. The AES is a piece symmetric information standard (Karthik Muruganandam, 2014). The ramifications of the propelled information gauges are utilized for framing the piece encryption in the association. The Advanced Encryption Standard is exceptionally useful for the following the encryption standards for the most secured operations that is implied by the US government too. The US government had picked this standard for the improvement of the insurance of the arranged and private data. The AES encryption process utilizes indistinguishable keys for implementation of improvement of encryption and information assurance. The benchmarks of the encryption can acknowledge the information obstruct for encryption having length of 128 bits. Among the processes the 3 keys utilized for the encryption are 128 bits, 192 bits, and 256 bits long individually (Bhanot Hans, 2015). The AES procedure of encryption includes the handling of the entire piece comprising of information in a parallel way to use the substitution method and stages for each round. Triple DES: As opined by Barker and Barker (2012), the technology of Triple DES is a changed and advanced type of Data Encryption Standard utilized for the procedure of encryption. The system of encryption utilizing Triple DES encryption procedure would include the utilization of 3 isolate keys for the effective completion of the encryption. The calculation utilized for Triple DES encryption incorporates the use of the DES thrice to secure the information and data. The keys utilized as a part of the Triple DES encryption comprise of three bits size and it can be utilized for encryption of the information. The first (56 bits) and third key (168 bits) is utilized for encoding the information. Be that as it may, the second key (112 bits) is utilized for decoding of the information. Security Challenges of WPAN Technologies Security Issues for using Bluetooth: Bluetooth is a propelled innovation for exchanging of document and media by utilizing the Bluetooth infrared information exchange (Padgette, 2017). However the innovation had been confronting many issues and difficulties of security like Bluejacking, Bluesnarfing assault, and Backdoor Hacking. The Bluejacking is the procedure when the programmers effectively execute the wholesale fraud for separating essential data from the framework gadgets (Minar and Tarique, 2012). The Bluesnarfing assault contains event of the assault in the Bluetooth arrange by the way toward hacking. The programmers in this situation hack into the system of Bluetooth of accessing the classified and private information and data for their own advantages. The Backdoor Hacking is the risk to the Bluetooth innovation for the abuse of the vulnerabilities that are present in the framework. The programmers penetrate the gadget and frame the invasion of the gadget that can be done wi thout even requiring to be matched with the touchy information. Consequently Bluetooth gadgets had been confronting many issues and difficulties of precautions like Bluejacking, Bluesnarfing assault, and Backdoor Hacking. The programmers in this situation hack into the system of Bluetooth of accessing the secret and private information and data for their own advantages. The programmers invade the gadget and frame the penetration of the gadget that can be done without even requiring to be matched with the delicate information. Security Issues for using Zigbee: Zillner and Strobl (2015) have stated that Zigbee is a progressed WPAN innovation utilized for conveying and exchanging of the data starting with one client then onto the next. The difficulties of security looked by the Zigbee innovation are hacking and impersonation of Zigbee hub. The programmers and digital hoodlums utilize straightforward techniques for hacking the Zigbee with their knowledge about the way that the innovation of Zigbee utilizes the radio recurrence waves and it turns out to be anything but difficult to focus on the Zigbee radio gadgets by misusing the recurrence work. The encryption of the Zigbee utilizing gadgets are focused by the assailants (Wang, Jiang Zhang, 2014). The clients would not know about their gadgets being hacked remotely by utilizing the hacking strategy. Now and again, the programmers utilize the innovation for getting into its framework gadgets from remote and distant places. The physical access to the gadget i s another figure that outcomes security issues. Critical Reflection on Energy Harvest The harvesting of energy is a primary concern for the development of the effective and improved processing of the energy (Shaikh Zeadally, 2016). The power generation for the energy harvesting would be deployed for forming the use of the energy resources for power generation in WSN. The energy resources can be either exhaustible (non renewable) resources or non exhaustible (renewable) resources. The generation of the power would be facilitated by the use of the energy nodes by WSN. The problems and issues faced by the WSN had resulted in the requirement for deploying the effective and improved technology. The various energy sources like solar and wind can be used for generating the energy for WSN. The solar energy is the most prominent source of energy and it forms the utilization of the solar rays for generation of energy. The solar energy provides the most cleanly and green energy and it would involve the deployment of the synthesis methods for the generation of the power. The ray s of the sun are entrapped in voltaic cells by the use of solar panels. The solar energy is utilized for forming the development of the electrical energy by converting the heat energy. The wind energy is synthesized by using Windmills. The force of the air would help in rotating the wings of the windmills. The rotation of the fangs would tend to develop the running of the motor for generating the energy 9 Ulukus et al., 2015). The mechanical energy would be converted to electrical energy. The solar and wind energy sources would be used for generating the energy for WSN. The rays of the sun are entrapped in voltaic cells by the use of solar panels and the wind energy is synthesized by using Windmills. References Barker, W. C., Barker, E. B. (2012). SP 800-67 Rev. 1. Recommendation for the Triple Data Encryption Algorithm (TDEA) Block Cipher. Bhanot, R., Hans, R. (2015). A review and comparative analysis of various encryption algorithms.International Journal of Security and Its Applications,9(4), 289-306 ISLAM, E., AZAD, S. (2014). data encryption standard.Practical Cryptography: Algorithms and Implementations Using C++, 57. Karthik, S., Muruganandam, A. (2014). Data Encryption and Decryption by using Triple DES and performance analysis of crypto system.International Journal of Scientific Engineering and Research, 24-31. Minar, N. B. N. I., Tarique, M. (2012). Bluetooth security threats and solutions: a survey.International Journal of Distributed and Parallel Systems,3(1), 127. Padgette, J. (2017). Guide to bluetooth security.NIST Special Publication,800, 121. Shaikh, F. K., Zeadally, S. (2016). Energy harvesting in wireless sensor networks: A comprehensive review.Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews,55, 1041-1054. Ulukus, S., Yener, A., Erkip, E., Simeone, O., Zorzi, M., Grover, P., Huang, K. (2015). Energy harvesting wireless communications: A review of recent advances.IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications,33(3), 360-381. Wang, C., Jiang, T., Zhang, Q. (Eds.). (2014).ZigBee network protocols and applications. CRC Press. Zillner, T., Strobl, S. (2015). ZigBee exploited: The good the bad and the ugly.
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